Important Covid-19 Update


Dear parents and caregivers

As of Tuesday 24 March, we will be closed for onsite teaching at the school.

1.      We are open for Tuesday and Wednesday for the sons of essential workers. All other students are not expected at school.

2.      From Thursday 26 March, the school will be closed indefinitely in line with the National Level 4 Pandemic plan.

3.      School holidays have been brought forward for Monday 30 March to Tuesday 14 April inclusive.

4.      Schools will remain closed after the school holidays until advised otherwise.

5.      Our staff has a digital learning platform and a plan to enable your son to learn remotely while we are closed.

6.      Online learning will start at the end of the school holidays, now Wednesday 15 April.  A timetable for your son’s classes and how to access their online lessons will be sent out via parents’ and students’ school emails.

7.      We have in place a pastoral welfare team who will support your sons during this time. The primary contact is:

8.      The school campus is closed to all visitors, students, families and non-essential workers from 12.01 am Thursday 26 March until advised otherwise.

We will update you regularly on further developments and how you can support your son’s learning in this challenging time. We are very mindful of the pressures we will all face.

Communication will continue to go out via email and the school app.  Please continue to check these on a daily basis as information from the Ministry of Education and the Government affects our plans.

Any urgent (versus routine) communication will come to you via a text instructing you to check your emails.

My best wishes to you and your whanau at this challenging time. We hope to see all our young men back in due course, safe and well.

Noho ora mai

Matt Bertram

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