Dear parents and caregivers
Tomorrow marks our first day ‘open’ at Level 3 and 17 young men will join us to continue their online learning at school. My sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you who are juggling your son’s online learning while also working from home. I fully appreciate what a challenge this can be, particularly the older your son is – suddenly a lot of their work is beyond our parental help, I know! That is not to ignore the motivational challenges that go with this.
The online timetable continues for at least the next two weeks while we are in Level 3 – the following Parental guide from the Ministry of Education may be of help to you
This includes a checklist on sending your son back to school – it is essential that if your circumstances change and you require your son to be at school you let us know as soon as possible.
Key links:
IT support (both TEAMS and devices):
If your son is coming to school under Level 3? Remember the following:
- Drop off and pick up zone: Chambers Street bus bay (easy to turn around and keep distance)
- School entrance for students: Main carpark, 31 Chambers Street.
- Start time: 9 am sharp
- Finish time: from 2.30 pm – supervision until 3 pm
- Bring all food and drink
- Remind your son about safe hygiene practices – hand washing, coughing into elbow, keeping distance from others
- Parents: Do not enter the school site please. Contact reception via phone (06 833 5900), Attendance (06 833 5901), your son’s dean or teacher via email
Keep well, Kia Kaha
Matt Bertram