Dear Parents and Caregivers
We were excited and relieved to learn of the conditions under which schools can re-open fully under Alert Level 2. Firstly, we are extremely mindful that this is not “business as usual”; staff and students are not returning from the equivalent of a Christmas holiday break. The experiences of lockdown and online learning have been markedly different for each of us. It would be wrong to expect that learning will simply pick up where we left off in March. There will be an adjustment period as we get classroom learning back up to speed. Our focus will be on re-establishing teaching relationships and the routines and expectations that go with them. Your sons will be keen to reconnect with friends and groups.
The following are key points from the Ministry’s public health statement for education:
The two key public health principles that support our approach at Alert Level 2 are first to minimise the risk that someone gets infected in the first place, and second to ensure we can identify and contact anyone who has been in close contact with a person, if someone in a school or early learning centre is infected.
Any children, young people and staff should stay at home if they are sick or should be sent home immediately if they show any symptoms.
Physical distancing is a good precaution to prevent the spread of disease. In an Alert level 2 school environment, this means children, young people, and staff maintaining a physical distance so that they are not breathing on or touching each other, coupled with good hygiene practices (coughing into your elbow, handwashing and drying) and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.
There are situations where physical distancing is not possible, such as some sporting activities. In these situations, extra emphasis on handwashing and drying (or cleansing with hand sanitiser) before and after activities and regular cleaning of equipment is recommended.
For NBHS, under Alert Level 2, we can advise you of the following:
- We are excited that we will be fully open and operational, and this includes our hostel
- We expect all students to be back at school when we open under Level 2, unless there are health issues. Only those who are unwell in any way should be absent. Please notify your son’s absence through the attendance line.
- We will not be running online real-time classes once we open under Level 2.
- Students who are unable to attend due to illness or other legitimate reasons will be provided with work to complete. This may be via the TEAMS platform or email. This will be our distance learning at Level 2.
We can assure you of the following:
- Hygiene requirements will be front and centre both in terms of our messages to your sons and in terms of expected practice.
- Contact tracing is in place through period attendance checks, assigned seating and set groups in practical classes.
- Assemblies will be kept to House or Year Level to allow physical distancing.
- PE and sports activities will occur subject to handwashing before and after, cleaning of equipment between activities and contact tracing of all groups.
What else do I need to know right now?
- Bus services will be running – both Ministry and contracted; more information will come on how fares will be collected.
- The canteen will operate from day 2 of Level 2. We are setting the canteen up for pre-ordering and paying so that lunches are delivered to the boys. This will be cashless. We aim to avoid queuing. There will be some restrictions on the products available.
- Winter uniform, haircuts – don’t worry: there will be a grace period under Level 2 for these types of requirements. We know this hasn’t been an essential service.
- Visitors: we would ask that where possible you communicate via email or phone; essential visitation should be through the front office only. The visitor’s register must be signed.
We will update this guidance following the Government’s announcement on Monday 11 May.
Kia Kaha
Matt Bertram