2020 Rugby



Above photo: Traffic jam at the sports notice board

There is an exciting season ahead for all rugby teams at NBHS.

A month ago when we weren’t sure if any rugby was going to be played this year.
A fortnight ago our major concern was how we were going to socially distance, record details of and hand sanitise all supporters who were watching on the sidelines.
Yesterday we put all rugby teams and senior squads up on the sports notice board. The noticeboard has looked something like this since then…

2020 will see a significant increase in playing numbers across all grades. We will also roll out an additional E grade team in NBHS colours.
NBHS rugby teams make up approximately 25% of all Secondary School rugby players in the HB Wide competition, this year’s numbers mean that percentage may even increase.
3 F grade and 3 E grade teams (1 more than last year!). 2 D grade teams. The Under 15 team and 3 third XV’s including a Hostel 3rd XV as well as the senior 1st and 2nd XV Super 8 Teams. 14 rugby teams that will play each Saturday, as well as an U14 Team that will be selected from our F and E grade teams for inter-school games and the super 8 Tournament at Winter Tournament week.

Key date summary:

Saturday 25th July (first Saturday of term three) HB Wide Secondary School competition begins.
Note; All NBHS Teams will meet next week to outline training times and fields. Finding space for all our teams is a great problem to have. Teams will train on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday after school.
Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd June, All teams will commence training.
Saturday 27th June, internal preseason games to be played at NBHS. Kick-off times TBA.
If you want to watch some quality secondary school’s rugby LIVE, come down to NBHS this Saturday 13th June and next Saturday 20th June 10.30 am kickoffs to watch the senior players trial for 1st and 2nd XV selection.
It’s great to see the enthusiasm for rugby at all levels amongst our young men.
Thanks to all our parents and wider whanau for supporting your son’s, grandson’s and nephew’s rugby in 2020.
A special thanks to all those parents who are giving up their time to coach and take on support roles with rugby teams at NBHS. We really could not do this without you.
If there is anyone who is interested in coaching and or a support role with our teams, please do contact me directly, we’d welcome your support.

Download this report here –> NBHS 2020 RUGBY SEASON UPDATE June

Brendon Ratcliffe
NBHS Director of Rugby
027 3772096

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