Week Ahead: Week 8, Term 3
Monday 13 – Sunday, 19 September
Mālō e lelei
I have used a Tongan greeting to start as this is officially Tongan Language Week. It was a pleasure to see the boys walk through the school gates yesterday morning. It was equally exciting to welcome the boys back into the hostel Wednesday evening. Conversely, I am sure, from the expression on their faces most boys felt the same level of enthusiasm. Yesterday was an opportunity to reconnect with friends face-to-face, reestablish familiar routines, a chance to return to normality and to converse with teachers. As a measurement of our students’ desire to be back at school, we recorded an attendance rate exceeding ninety percent. This is compelling evidence of how hard our teachers worked during lockdown to maintain strong relationships, to engage students in their learning and to provide a consistent, caring connection between home and school. The staff is a very special group. They have worked diligently through the past three weeks to make this time as successful as possible for our young men.
I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you as parents and caregivers for your support of the school in helping us to instill routine and to manage our, sometimes, reluctant learners. Online learning is not easy. We are grateful for the way the boys’ embraced challenges and took the opportunity to make progress, however difficult. The truth remains that we grow strong together as a whānau through these difficult times, as well as through our times of joy and celebration.
Now that we are back the demanding work begins, especially for our seniors. Collectively we will work together to ensure the boys have every opportunity to engage in their studies and to complete assessments. It will take effort and discipline on the boy’s behalf. We will commit to a plan that will give students every advantage to succeed.
I wish all in our community continued good health and my very best wishes as we return to Alert Level 2. I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming weeks as we transition to again interacting in person.
We can do this working together
He waka eke noa
Ngā mihi
Jarred Williams
Alert Level 2 Update
As outlined by the Headmaster we had a fantastic day onsite yesterday. We appreciate the support and compliance of the community in relation to the Alert Level 2 regulations. Still, we would like to remind you of the following:
- Visitors – we ask that parents / caregivers and whānau do not visit the school site unless it is essential. In the unlikely event you need to visit the school you must scan the QR code or sign-in through the main reception. This includes events that take place after school. If you do have to visit the school site you are required to wear a face covering.
- Sickness – your son must stay at home if he is sick. If your son is at school and feeling unwell we will ask you to collect him, immediately. If he has COVID-like symptoms, please seek medical advice. For information about the public health measures at Alert Level 2 please visit the Covid-19 website.
- School day – at Alert Level 2 the school day, by reducing lunchtime, is shortened. We are finishing at 2:50pm.
- Face coverings – face coverings are not mandated. This an option for individuals and a decision for the individual and whānau. Where an individual chooses to use a face covering they must supply / wear their own.
- Uniform shop – the uniform shop is open regular hours on a Tuesday and Thursday. At Alert Level 2 we prefer that parents / caregivers do not come onsite. Instead we ask that you load funds onto your son’s school account for any extra uniform purchase. The student can collect the item from the Shop. Alternatively, students can use EFTPOS onsite.
Year 9 Enrolment, 2022
The lockdown has hindered Y9 enrolment across the region’s high schools. For a consecutive year we were unable to run our open night and regular enrolment process.
The school will be in contact, from Monday 13 September, with the parents / caregivers of all enrolments that we have received.
Families can continue to enrol using the online enrolment process.
Interested students and families can now book personalised tours. These can be booked here: nbhs@nbhs.school.nz
We appreciate you sharing this information in the community.
Upcoming Events – Stay Informed
The school is continuing to review and update the School Calendar. Collectively, we as a school community need to be flexible. Many planned events and fixtures will be dictated by Alert Levels and outside agencies, like sporting bodies.
Our main priority over the coming weeks is to provide the boys, especially the seniors, with minimal disruption. The priority is learning, face-to-face interaction with their teachers and peers and completing courses and assessments.
We will continue to update the calendar and push out changes via the School App and by email, where applicable. We appreciate your adoption and use of the School App.
Women Raising Boys Hui Postponement
Kia ora e hoa,
As you’re aware our next ‘Women Raising Boys Hui’ is scheduled for Tuesday 14 September 2021. Unfortunately, we are unable to host this event due to the restrictions on gathering numbers under Alert level 2.
We are very much looking forward to hosting this event and propose a new (to be confirmed) date of Tuesday 02 November – Alert level pending.
Once we are able to confirm a date a new link will be sent out for you to pre-register your attendance.
Take care everyone – we do hope to be able to see you soon.
Ngā Mihi
NBHS Parents League
School Benchmark Senior Examinations
As outlined last week, we will run benchmark assessments at the end of Term 3. However, the schedule and expectation is different.
We are confident that through the benchmark assessments we will generate sufficient data to ensure every student has a valid derived grade for each assessment in case of disruption to the November external exams.
Benchmark examinations / assessments commence on Wednesday, 22 September and run through to Thursday, 30 September. Senior students will have one examination / assessment per day. Senior students will complete one benchmark assessment during Period 2, and where required, through interval. The subject they have timetabled for Period 2 on that day will be assessed.
The expectation is that seniors will complete a benchmark examination for one Achievement Standard per subject this term. We will repeat this process early Term 4, with seniors completing an additional benchmark assessment per subject.
The Level 1 Mathematics & Statistics MCAT will occur on Thursday, 30 September.
We see this schedule as causing the least disruption to your son’s learning. Our priority is to minimise interruption and ensure the seniors are in class, completing their academic programmes. With the planned schedule there is no need for study leave. Seniors will have their regular timetabled classes Period 1,3,4 & 5.
A detailed schedule will be provided to the students in the coming days.
Course Selection 2022
Thank you to the students and families that have made their selections.
Yesterday during tutor class students who have not made their selections were given a document to take home. The document outlined how to select subjects online via the KAMAR Parent Portal. Also, it provided an opportunity for families without Internet access to complete the selection on paper.
We appreciate your support to complete this process. This enables us to plan and resource the school for the 2022 academic year.
NCEA Learning Recognition Credits
The Ministry of Education and New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) have confirmed a lowering of the cap for Recognition Credits. This applies to learners that have been disrupted by sixteen days of alert level restrictions this year.
Learning Recognition Credits (LRCs)
- for every five credits a student earns, they get one extra LRC
- students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to eight additional credits
- students at NCEA Levels 2 or 3 are eligible for up to six additional credits.
- no change to normal requirements.
University Entrance
- no change to normal requirements.
NCEA External Examinations – Date Change
A reminder that NZQA has announced that the NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations have been moved back two weeks. The examinations will now commence on Monday, 22 November and finish Tuesday, 14 December. The changes to assessment dates apply to all students.
NCEA subjects, like Design and Visual Communication, where students prepare a portfolio instead of undertaking a final examination will have the due date for their portfolio pushed back by two weeks.
The updated 2021 National Secondary Examination Timetable can be found here: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/national-secondary-examinations-timetable/
KAMAR Parent Portal
A reminder that parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were posted by mail at the start of the school year. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz
You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/
We await further information, from the related sporting bodies, in relation to any games and fixtures. Any updates will be posted on the school website and Sports Facebook page.
We remind our community that when school sport does recommence, we will collectively need to be mindful of sporting codes that have restricted spectator access.