Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 4
Monday, 25 – Sunday, 31 October
Kia ora koutou,
I write this kōrero with a sense of genuine sadness. Over the mid-term break one of our teachers, Matua Ashley Hawkins, unexpectedly passed away. Mr Hawkins was an experienced teacher who taught at different wharekura / schools. In recent years Napier Boys’ High had been fortunate to utilise his skills as a reliever and, more recently, as a Mathematics teacher. Mr Hawkins was farewelled, and his life celebrated, at a service on Thursday 14 October. A special thank you to the boys who were able to attend, represent our school and pay their respects. Our hearts go out to Mr Hawkins whānau at this challenging time.
Nei rā ā tātou mihi whakamiha ki a ia, ki āna mahi. He ngākau māhaki, he tangata marae e kore rawa e wareware nei i a tātou.
We acknowledge and thank him, and his mahi with our students. A caring man, an industrious man, whom we shall never forget.
COVID-19 continues to provide several challenges for all of us. Unfortunately for school we have had to consider adjustments to our calendar, yet again. These are outlined below. Adjustments have been made with the expectation that we will remain at Alert Level 2, at best, in the weeks ahead. We are committed to continuing with our celebrations and awards evenings. However, we may find this involves only our students, rather than opening our events to the school community. We will keep you informed of changes as we confirm them, depending on Ministry advice and protocol.
Additionally, you will be aware from the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, 11 October that all staff and workers who may have contact with children and students in schools and kura throughout the country – regardless of COVID-19 Alert Levels – will be required to have a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by 15 November and be fully vaccinated by 1 January 2022. This means vaccinations are mandatory for all those working onsite. The vaccination requirement does not apply to parents or whānau undertaking student pick-ups and drop-offs. But pick-up / drop-off must be conducted in an outdoor environment where face coverings are worn and physical distancing measures retained. The government is requiring all students provide proof of their vaccination status. We already have systems in place to record this data. It will be a matter of collecting this information from parents. We will inform you of the process in due course.
The message from the government is loud and clear, get vaccinated if you haven’t already received your jab(s). Again, we will keep you informed of government and ministry updates.
In the meantime, we appreciate your very real support in ensuring that your son begins the term well, engaging in lessons and committing himself to his studies. At this point of the year there is absolutely no room for prevarication. The hard work must start now, if our students wish to enjoy the success they are capable of. We are here to help in every way possible. But our students must make every effort to support their teachers, and their peers, in making this work for us all.
Fortunately, we remain impressed by most of our wonderful young men, who have worked so hard and so consistently through these difficult times. Thank you, again, for the many ways in which you have made a difference to your son, and to the school, through all the challenges.
I wish all our school whānau all the very best over the days ahead. Our priority is to remain focused on the needs of our students as we enter the final weeks of the academic year for our senior school, and as we maintain our high expectations for our Year 9 and 10s.
Ngā mihi
Jarred Williams
Anniversary Weekend
A reminder that Week 2 is a short week. School reopens on Tuesday, 26 October. This is Day 3 on the school timetable.
Tertiary Evening
The Careers Department is running their Tertiary Evening Wednesday, 27 October. The event is in the Holt Planetarium. It begins at 6.30pm.
This highly informative event is open to all Year 13s and their whānau. It is a celebratory and supportive evening for this cohort as they transition out of school and into the workplace, apprenticeships, and tertiary study.
The following tertiary organisations will have representatives in attendance – University of Canterbury, Victoria, Massey, and E.IT. A representative from Studylink will outline information regarding student loans and allowances. Former Head Boy Harry Averill will speak about his transition to, and time at, Otago University.
This event is limited to 100 attendees. Sign-in / appropriate mask-wearing is required as per Alert Level 2 guidelines.
Women Raising Boys Hui.
Tēnā koe, the NBHS Parents League cordially invite all women caregivers within our NBHS community to attend our second Women Raising Boys Hui. The provisional date for this is Tuesday 02 November 2021 – Alert level pending.
This will be an informative evening presented by Kirstin Taylor, Senior Master, with NBHS staff, looking at the following topics:
- Delwyn Hohepa Te Hiko, Whanau Liaison and Attendance Officer – Attendance procedures and information
- Tracy Courtney, Guidance Counsellor – Anxiety
- Hayley Double, Dean – Nathan Wallace on Brain Development
- Kate Davis, Public Health Nurse – Drugs, alcohol, vaping
Please click on the link for full information and to pre-register your attendance https://forms.office.com/r/GW5k8ecEV1
For any information please contact scook@nbhs.school.nz
Ngā manaakitanga,
NBHS Parents League
Upcoming Events – Stay Informed
As per the Headmaster’s comment planning and scheduling events is challenging.
Please keep a close eye on our school newsletter the ‘Week Ahead’ each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Urgent updates will be pushed out via the School App.
Key changes include:
- 27 Oct – 15 Nov Senior Benchmark Assessments where required (date change)
- 15 Nov Senior Prizegiving
- 17 Nov Study Leave for Seniors
- 22 Nov NCEA examinations start
- 23 November Teacher-only day – NCEA Accord Day 4 (date change)
- 10 Dec Junior Prizegiving / final day for Y9 & 10
Please refer to the calendar on the school website for other school events.
Benchmark Senior Examinations
Following yesterday’s announcement by the Minister of Education we have made the decision to push-back some of the Term 4 school benchmark senior examinations. The benchmarks will now take place between 27 October and 15 November, in regular timetabled classes. Building in this flexibility gives our students more time to complete their coursework and dovetails into the external examination period. As per Term 3 no study leave is required. HODs and subject teachers will confirm the updated benchmark date with their class.
StudyIt: Online NCEA Assistance
StudyIt is an online learning space for secondary students. It has content for NCEA Science, Mathematics, and English. The site is student-focused. It has been designed with input from students. Content has been written by subject specialists.
It contains information for students about what they need to know to achieve particular Achievement Standards alongside general study and exam tips and encouraging ‘success stories’ from students.
Students can use the forum to discuss NCEA issues with other students and teachers, as well as send specific questions by email to expert teachers.
Students and whānau can access the website here: StudyIT Website
NCEA External Examinations – Date Change
As per the Minister’s announcement yesterday the NCEA examinations will proceed from Monday, 22 November and finish Tuesday, 14 December.
The 2021 National Secondary Examination Timetable can be found here: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/national-secondary-examinations-timetable/
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 2
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
DIT | AS1.1 HCI or AS1.11 Compression | HAM & STA |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Mathematics | AS2.14 Solving equations | All 201 classes |
DIT | AS2.9 Encryption or error correction | HAM & STA |
Science | AS2.8 Investigate biological material | OCO |
Accounting | AS2.6 Accounts receivable sub-system | RID |
Biology | AS2.2 Analyse the biological validity of information presented to the public | HAD & SYE |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Biology | AS3.7 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer | HAD |
DIT | AS3.9 Analyse an area OR AS3.10 Reflective analysis | HAM & STA |
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 3
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
CPE & SPR | AS1.5 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain the impact on others | GUN, LOC & LEI |
Science (L1ASC) | US23782 Sowing outdoor seed beds and calculating fertiliser rates | TAY |
Geography | AS1.8 Apply spatial analysis with direction to solve a geographic problem | BAR, MEA & JOH |
History | AS1.4 Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives | ENG, WHI & CAM |
Mathematics | AS1.13 Elements of chance | PIN, CHA |
Graphics | All evidence | COE & WYA |
Art | Portfolio | HAR & WLS |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
CPE | AS2.6 Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the function of a group | JAK & WES |
Graphics | All evidence | COE |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Physical Education | AS3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme | KET & LEI |
Graphics | All evidence | WYA |
History (US) | AS3.4 Analyse different perspectives of a contested event of significance to NZ | ENG |
KAMAR Parent Portal
A reminder that parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were posted by mail at the start of the school year. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz
You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/
Sports Draws & Fixtures
Sports draws are posted on the school website and school app. Sports draws are updated as we receive them.
You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
- The Lydiard Cup athletics meet will take place on Wednesday, 27 October at the Regional Sports Park.
- Junior T20 cricket starts Wednesday, 27 October. Students should check the Sports Noticeboard for teams.
- Touch rugby starts Thursday, 28 October. A reminder that students must arrange their own transport to the Sports Park.