Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 4
Monday, 01 – Sunday, 07 November
Sports and Cultural Photos
Sport and cultural photos are Monday, 01 November. Students require the related uniform / kit for the photo. They have been reminded through Week 2. Please help us to ensure that your son comes to school on Monday with the appropriate team / sport uniform.
Women Raising Boys Hui
The NBHS Parents League will run their second Women Raising Boys Hui. All women raising boys within our NBHS community are invited and encouraged to attend. This follows the successful inaugural hui in June.
This is another informative evening led by Kirstin Taylor, Senior Master. Presentations include:
- Attendance procedures / information – Delwyn Hohepa Te Hiko, Whānau Liaison and Attendance Officer
- Anxiety – Tracy Courtney, Guidance Counsellor
- Brain development and the teenage brain – Hayley Double, Dean
- Drugs, alcohol and vaping – Kate Davis, Public Health Nurse
The hui is Tuesday, 02 November starting at 6:30pm in the school Henderson Hall.
Alert Level 2 protocol must be followed. This includes mask-wearing, limiting the event to 100 visitors, and registering / signing in. Please click on the following link for full information and to pre-register your attendance https://forms.office.com/r/GW5k8ecEV1
For further information please contact Sarah Cook scook@nbhs.school.nz
Upcoming Events – Stay Informed
Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.
Key changes include:
- 27 Oct – 15 Nov Senior Benchmark Assessments where required (date change)
- 15 Nov Senior Prizegiving
- 17 Nov Study Leave for Seniors
- 22 Nov NCEA examinations start
- 23 November Teacher-only day – NCEA Accord Day 4 (date change)
- 10 Dec Junior Prizegiving / final day for Y9 & 10
Please refer to the calendar on the school website for other school events.
Policy Review: Community Feedback
The Board is reviewing the following policy, Māori Educational Success. Part of the review process considers community feedback.
We invite input from the community. Input can be made via SchoolDocs
Instructions for accessing School Docs is always available on our Board page: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/about/nbhs-board/
Search for Napier boys’ High School then enter our username and password.
Username: nbhs
Password: dorightfearnothing
Benchmark Senior Examinations
Our second series of benchmark / mock external assessments continue in Week 3. These run through to 15 November during regular timetabled classes. Building in this flexibility gives our students more time to complete their coursework and dovetails into the external examinations. As per Term 3 no study leave is required. HODs and subject teachers have confirmed the updated benchmarks with their class. Please discuss this with your son.
StudyIt: Online NCEA Assistance
StudyIt is an online learning space for secondary students. It has content for NCEA Science, Mathematics and English. The site is student focused. It has been designed with input from students. Content has been written by subject specialists.
It contains information for students about what they need to know to achieve particular Achievement Standards alongside general study and exam tips and encouraging ‘success stories’ from students.
Students can use the forum to discuss NCEA issues with other students and teachers, as well as send specific questions by email to expert teachers.
Students and whanau can access the website here: https://studyit.govt.nz/
NCEA External Examinations – Date Change
As per the Minister’s announcement last week the NCEA examinations will proceed from Monday, 22 November and finish Tuesday, 14 December.
The 2021 National Secondary Examination Timetable can be found here: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/national-secondary-examinations-timetable/
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 3
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
CPE & SPR | AS1.5 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain the impact on others | GUN, LOC & LEI |
Science (L1ASC) | US23782 Sowing outdoor seed beds and calculating fertiliser rates | TAY |
Geography | AS1.8 Apply spatial analysis with direction to solve a geographic problem | BAR, MEA & JOH |
History | AS1.4 Demonstrate understanding of different perspectives | ENG, WHI & CAM |
Mathematics | AS1.13 Elements of chance | PIN, CHA |
Graphics | All evidence | COE & WYA |
Art | Portfolio | HAR & WLS |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
CPE | AS2.6 Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the function of a group | JAK & WES |
Graphics | All evidence | COE |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Physical Education | AS3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme | KET & LEI |
Graphics | All evidence | WYA |
History (US) | AS3.4 Analyse different perspectives of a contested event of significance to NZ | ENG |
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 4
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Accounting | AS1.4 Financial Statement for a community organisation | PRA |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Mathematics 201 | AS2.7 Calculus | 201 classes |
Mathematics 202 | AS2.12 Probability | 202 classes |
History | AS2.2 Examine an historical event | ENG |
Art | Portfolio | HAR |
Art Design | Portfolio | WLS |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Economics | AS3.4 Market failure and government intervention | PRA |
History (NZ) | AS3.4 Analyse differing perspectives | CAM |
KAMAR Parent Portal
A reminder that parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were posted by mail at the start of the school year. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz
You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/
Sports Draws & Fixtures
Sports draws are posted on the school website and school app. Sports draws are updated as we receive them.
You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
Junior T20 cricket continues Wednesday, 03 November. Students should check the Sports Noticeboard for teams and fixtures.
Touch rugby continues Thursday, 04 November. A reminder that students must arrange their own transport to the Sports Park.
Volleyball commences in Week 3. Division 1 games are on Monday, 01 November. Division 2 & 3 start Wednesday, 03 November. Students should check the link above for draws, fixtures and venues.
The Hawke’s Bay Junior Volleyball Open Tournament runs Friday, 05 – Saturday, 06 November. Fixtures on Friday are in school gyms. Saturday games are at Pettigrew Green Arena. Alert Level 2 protocol, as per below, applies.
Alert Level 2 Protocol & Procedure
As we remain at Alert Level 2, we remind the community that sport is limited to groups of one hundred in a defined space outdoors and fifty in a defined space indoors. As a ‘single group’ different people cannot come and go under these group limits. These group limits include all players and spectators, but not referees and officials.
With the above measures in place, we are required to closely monitor numbers at events. In the first instance our preference is for those who transport their son to our school venue, or to another school within the Hawkes’ Bay, to drop their son off outside the school and organise a time and place to pick him up after the game.
If you do intend to be a spectator, please be aware that you may be asked to leave if numbers exceed limits. We understand how disappointing this will be for all supporters who enjoy watching school sport. If you intend to be a spectator onsite at NBHS, you must sign-in – QR codes are at the front of school, and one will be placed on the Te Awa Avenue side of the school. Finally, visitors to the site must wear a face covering.
Thank you for your understanding at this challenging time. Your continued support is appreciated by all Napier Boys’ High School staff and students alongside the many community / parent volunteers that contribute to our school’s co-curricular programme.