Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 4
Monday, 29 November – Sunday, 05 December
School Camp
The Year 10s that have registered for Camp Simmons depart Monday, 29 November and return Friday, 03 December.
For further details please contact the teacher-in-charge, Mr. Terry Wyatt twyatt@nbhs.school.nz
Junior Prizegiving
Our final celebration of the school year, the Junior Prizegiving, will take place on Friday, 10 December.
We are waiting on clarification around the ‘traffic light system’ before confirming whether this event will be closed, or open to parents and whānau. We expect to update the community in the next Week Ahead.
NBHS Memorial Library – summer reading
Boys who are returning in 2022 are encouraged to continue their recreational reading over the summer holiday.
If you would like your son to borrow books/magazines for the summer – and this can be for anyone in his family – please complete the following permission form: https://forms.office.com/r/2N5Wm01Pje
Please contact scook@nbhs.school.nz if you have any questions.
Young Farmers
The Young Farmers are offsite on Tuesday, 30 November. The teacher-in-charge is Mr. Rex Newman rnewman@nbhs.school.nz
Art and Tikanga Raranga workshop
Year 9 Tikanga and Art classes are combining next Wednesday, 01 December to experience a day of Raranga with harakeke.
Two tutors from the community are coming into school to take them through the art of weaving. The boys will take home a couple of completed items from the workshop.
The teacher-in-charge is Mrs. Trina Wills twills@nbhs.school.nz
Year 9 Career Pathways
The Careers Department begins their vocational pathway workshops with the Year 9s in Week 7, seeding some ideas and aspirations for our young men. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to continue the conversation at home, making connections between subject choices, school, and potential career pathways.
If you would like further information please contact the Careers Advisor, Ms. Carola Laurs claurs@nbhs.school.nz
Junior Cricket Tournament
The Year 9 and Year 10 XIs host a downsized junior tournament Monday, 29 November – Wednesday, 01 December.
A reminder to parents and whānau to follow the Alert Level protocols, outlined below.
Sports Draws and Fixtures
Sports draws are posted on the school website and school app. Sports draws are updated as we receive them.
You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
Junior T20 cricket continues Wednesday, 01 December. Students should check the Sports Noticeboard for teams and fixtures.
Touch rugby continues Thursday, 02 December. A reminder that students must arrange their own transport to the Sports Park.
Volleyball continues in Week 7. Division 1 games are on Monday, 29 November. Division 2 & 3 run Wednesday, 01 December. Students should check the link above for draws, fixtures, and venues.
Softball continues this week. The high school grade runs Monday, 29 November. The U17 fixture is on Saturday, 04 December. Students should check the link above for draws, fixtures, and venues.
Alert Level 2 Protocol & Procedure
As we remain at Alert Level 2, we remind the community that sport is limited to groups of one hundred in a defined space outdoors and fifty in a defined space indoors. As a ‘single group’ different people cannot come and go under these group limits. These group limits include all players and spectators, but not referees and officials.
With the above measures in place, we are required to closely monitor numbers at events. In the first instance, our preference is for those who transport their son to our school venue, or to another school within Hawkes’ Bay, to drop their son off outside the school and organise a time and place to pick him up after the game.
If you do intend to be a spectator, please be aware that you may be asked to leave if numbers exceed limits. We understand how disappointing this will be for all supporters who enjoy watching school sport. If you intend to be a spectator onsite at NBHS, you must sign in – QR codes are at the front of the school. Finally, visitors to the site must wear a face covering.
Thank you for your understanding at this challenging time. Your continued support is appreciated by all Napier Boys’ High School staff and students alongside the many community/parent volunteers that contribute to our school’s co-curricular programme.