Week Ahead: Week 8, Term 1
Monday 21 – Sunday 27, March
Stage 1 Hybrid Learning: Timetable
We are in a position to continue the timetable we have operated in Week 7. This is a real positive for our school community.
What does this mean?
- Four periods/lessons per day
- No timetabled Period 5 lesson
- School finishes at 1:30 pm Monday – Thursday. Friday finish is 1:00 pm.
- School buses will depart at 1:30 pm, Monday – Thursday. On a Friday, buses depart at 1:15 pm.
COVID-19 Phase 3: Offsite Learning & Procedure
Offsite Learning
Students that are unable to be onsite, as a household contact or COVID-positive, should continue their learning via MS TEAMS.
For your reference, the MS TEAMS Student Manual is available here
If your son has technical issues accessing MS TEAMS, please contact the Student Helpdesk: studenthelpdesk@nbhs.school.nz
- Confirmed positive cases and household contacts of positive cases will be required to isolate for 7 days
- The isolation period is 7 days from the positive test
- If your son is isolating at home because he is a household contact, he will need a test on Day 3 and Day 7. He may return to school after this period if his test results are negative and he is symptom-free.
- At Phase 3 students who develop COVID-19 symptoms must remain at home and get a test. If the test (PCR or RAT) is negative and symptoms are no longer present, then they can return to school without any further isolation.
- If a boarder tests positive, no other students residing in Scinde House will be considered a ‘household contact’.
- As we have previously communicated, students who are unwell will need to stay at home. If they become unwell while at school, they must be collected immediately. This will help to reduce the spread of the virus.
- If your son is unwell at school, he must follow the correct process. He must be assessed at the school office. The office staff will notify you that he is unwell. They will ask that you collect him immediately from school.
- Please do not collect your son unless he has been assessed and signed-out at the school office.
- If your son is unwell at school, he must follow the correct process. He must be assessed at the school office. The office staff will notify you that he is unwell. They will ask that you collect him immediately from school.
- If your son is at home with COVID-19 symptoms, a household contact, or tests positive for COVID-19, please contact the school as soon as possible. Please email attendance@nbhs.school.nz or phone 06 8335900.
Scinde House Enrolment, 2023 & Beyond
The popular and informative Scinde House information evenings begin in Week 7. Registration is still open. This can be done here – Information Evening Registration
Uniform Shop
Winter sports uniform is now available to order. The price list can be viewed here – Winter Uniform
At COVID-19 Phase 3 we would prefer that students are not trying-on uniform.
To order winter uniform please email the related details to uniforms@nbhs.school.nz You should include:
- your son’s name
- item(s) – please only order one of each item, at this stage
- size – please base the sizing off your son’s current uniform
Payment must be by Internet Banking into your son’s school account. These will be packed and delivered to your son in class.
Items can be exchanged if they do not fit. These must be unworn/unnamed.
Long-sleeve winter school shirts will be available in the coming weeks.
Upcoming Events – stay informed
Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar
Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.
What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 8
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Mathematics – AMA | AS1.7 Right-Angled Triangles | DOU, KET |
History | AS1.1 Carry out an investigation of an historical event | WHI & MAR |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
DIT | AS91891 Make a Website | STA, COO |
History | AS2.4 Interpret different perspectives of people | ENG |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Nil |
NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 9
NCEA Level 1 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Japanese | AS1.2 Speech in Japanese | ARR |
L1SCI Science | AS1.8 Chemical Reactions | All L1SCI & 10SCI (Acc.) |
NCEA Level 2 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
Japanese | AS2.2 Speech in Japanese | ARR |
NCEA Level 3 | ||
Subject | Achievement Standard | Classes involved |
History (US) | AS3.1 Research an historical event | ENG |
KAMAR Parent Portal
Parents/caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz
You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/
Winter Sport Registration
Junior winter sport registration must be completed by 23 March. This is an online process.
The online registration can be accessed by scanning this QR code or clicking here: https://forms.office.com/r/maF7dDuJCj
If you are unable to complete the registration online, your son must see the Sports Coordinator for a paper copy. Registration should be completed in Week 7.
Winter Sports include:
- Canoe Polo
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Football
- Hockey
- Rugby
- Orienteering
- Clay Target
- Cross Country
- Snow Sports
Junior Cricket
Our elite Colts A XI continue their pathway for the national tournament, with a home fixture on Wednesday. This is on the back of the 2021 Colts A finishing second at the New Zealand Cricket Junior Secondary School Boys’ tournament.
New Zealand Cricket Junior Secondary School Boys’: Colts A v Lindisfarne College – Wednesday, 23 March, 10:00am start.
We have senior and junior teams competing in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Finals this week at PGA.
Senior A & B complete on Tuesday, 22 March. The Junior team are involved on Friday, 25 March.
Sports Draws
You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
Junior T20 and Colts Cricket continues Week 8. Please refer to the sports draw link, above. Some Junior T20 teams will be travelling to away fixtures. Your son should check the daily notices for any changes to the start time of the match.
Volleyball continues Wednesday, 23 March. Refer to the sports draw, link above.
Touch rugby will now run internally at school on Tuesdays. Games will be at lunchtime and after school. Start times – with the shortened school day – be communicated in the Daily Notices.