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Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 1, 2022


Napier Boys High School Week AheadWeek Ahead: Week 9, Term 1
Monday, 28 March – Sunday, 03 April

Headmasters korero

Tena koutou katoa e te whānau

Thank you for your support in allowing us to carry out our goal-setting conference days. It was important to make the time to meet and discuss with families, the goals and aspirations of the boys and to reflect upon the challenges and the opportunities of the year that lies ahead. There were some enthusiastic and positive conversations about how best to continue to support the boys to reach their stated objectives. It has been such a busy start to the year. So, to be able to carry out meaningful conferences, both face-to-face and online, is a testament to our collective willingness to plan, encourage and sustain student achievement.

In my recent email, I undertook to inform you of our decision regarding the four-period timetable. At this point, numbers of staff and student COVID-related absences continue to be steadily present. Of course, we can never be certain that the situation will not change very quickly. Our focus is on ensuring that students miss as little academic time as possible. We will continue with the four-period day until we see case numbers change. Every day we have the whole school operating is a bonus. We will give as much notice as possible, should we be unfortunate enough to have more teachers affected by COVID over the next few days/weeks, necessitating a need to move to a daily rostering home programme.

At this time, I want to acknowledge the work and commitment shown by our staff who work in the hostel. We have seen substantial numbers of COVID cases largely due to the exposure of living in close quarters. The care, compassion, and concern shown by the hostel staff have been second-to-none and I am sure, much appreciated by the hostel families.

We do still have significant numbers of students away this week. Please continue to contact the school if you have any concerns or questions in relation to their situation.

Finally, as I have said before, our priority is to keep the boys learning and engaged. The success of this continuing is reliant on all of us – teachers, parents, and students working together to ensure potential is reached. This collaboration has never been more important than in these disruptive times.

Ngā mihi nui,

Jarred Williams

Week ahead General banner Overview of the key changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework

The Prime Minister has announced changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework which will take effect from 11.59 pm this Friday 25 March, and to vaccine mandates and My Vaccine Pass, which will take effect from 11.59 pm Monday 4 April.

These changes reflect the science and public health advice, and where New Zealand has moved to in our Omicron response. The timing for change reflects that New Zealand is moving into a post-peak phase and our hospitalisations are anticipated to be in a similar position very soon.

New Zealand remains at Red. However, Cabinet will review the framework colour level on Monday 4 April. The key changes are as follows:

COVID-19 Protection Framework, My Vaccine Pass, and vaccination mandates

  • The removal of vaccination mandates for education workers will take effect from 11.59 pm Monday 4 April. On the same date, we will see the removal of the My Vaccine Pass from the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system).


  • There is no change to masks in education settings from the existing ‘Red Setting.’ Medical-grade masks remain a requirement for staff working indoors with children and young people in Years 4-13.
  • For all New Zealanders, including school settings, masks will not be required outdoors.
  • Capacity limits will be removed for outdoor events and activities.
  • Indoor capacity limits for extra-curricular activities increase to 200 people, or a maximum capacity based on the maximum number of people who could occupy the space if each person was one metre apart – whichever is lower.


  • There is no change to masks in education settings from the existing ‘Orange Setting.’ Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn when indoors and are required for children aged 12 and over on school transport.
  • As at Red, there will be no mask requirements when outdoors.
  • There will be no outdoor capacity limits.
  • Indoor capacity limits are also removed. However, for non-curriculum-related events and activities schools are strongly encouraged to use allocated seating for large events – such as those with more than 500 people – or apply a maximum capacity limit based on the maximum number of people who could occupy the space if each person was one metre apart.


  • There will be no face mask requirements and no capacity or gathering limits in any setting, indoors or outdoors.

Procedure, Practice, and Off-site Learning

As per the Headmaster’s Kōrero, New Zealand remains at Red. This means we will continue with the procedure and practise from the previous weeks.

We have been fortunate that, to date, our teaching and wider staff have not been impacted too heavily by COVID. Moreover, our teaching staff has been so willing to roll up their sleeves to cover their colleagues. This has enabled us to create some continuity with structure and routine. Collectively we know this is what boys need.


If your son is at home with COVID-19 symptoms, a household contact, or tests positive for COVID-19, please contact the school as soon as possible. Please email  or phone 06 8335900.

What type of contact are you?

self-isolation instructions

Offsite Learning

Students that are unable to be onsite, as a household contact or COVID-positive, should continue their learning via MS TEAMS.

For your reference, the MS TEAMS Student Manual is available here

If your son has technical issues accessing MS TEAMS, please contact the Student Helpdesk:

Stage 1 Hybrid Learning: Timetable

Hybrid Learning Timetable

Scinde House Enrolment, Hostel Open Day

The Scinde House Open Day is Friday, 01 April. Registration can be done here – Information Evening Registration

Uniform Shop

Winter sports uniform is now available to order. The price list can be viewed here – Winter Uniform

At COVID-19 Phase 3 we would prefer that students are not trying-on uniform.

To order winter uniform please email the related details to You should include:

  • your son’s name
  • item(s) – please only order one of each item, at this stage
  • size – please base the sizing on your son’s current uniform

Payment must be by Internet Banking into your son’s school account. Your son will be notified when the uniform is ready to be collected from the school office.

Items can be exchanged if they do not fit. These must be unworn/unnamed.

All students are expected to be in a long-sleeve winter shirt through Term 2 and 3.

Items can continue to be purchased through to the end of Term 1. Thereafter, the new and used shops will be open on the last day of the school holiday, Friday 29 April, 10 am – 3.30 pm.

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed out via the School App.

Week ahead academic banner

What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 9

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Japanese AS1.2 Speech in Japanese ARR
L1SCI Science AS1.8 Chemical Reactions All L1SCI & 10SCI (Acc.)


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Japanese AS2.2 Speech in Japanese ARR


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
History (US) AS3.1 Research an historical event ENG

 NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 10

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
L1ASC Science AS1.8 Chemical Reactions TAY


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved

 NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 11

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS1.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
History AS1.2 Demonstrate understanding of an historical event MAR, WHI
Geography AS1.5 Conduct Geographic research with direction BAR, TAM, MEA, JOH
English AS1.6 Speech Presentation ALL


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS2.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
Chemistry AS2.7 Reduction-Oxidation Processes OCO, SMI
Mathematics AS2.9 Statistics HEU, MCD, LEE, HRR, GOU
English AS2.5 Speech Presentation ALL


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS3.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
Geography AS3.5 Conduct Geographic research with consultation JOH, MEA
Agriculture AS3.1 Investigation – Urea Trial NEW

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here:

Week Ahead Sport

Winter Sport Trials

Junior winter sports trials continue in Week 9. Students wishing to play at a higher level are encouraged to trial. Football trials are already underway.

Colts Hockey trials are Wednesday, 30 March. Interested students must register ASAP with the Sports Coordinator,


The A sailing team head to Taupō to defend their title at the Central North Island Sailing Championship, Sunday 27 – Tuesday 29 March.

Sports Draws

You can find the sports draws here:

Volleyball continues Wednesday, 30 March. Refer to the sports draw, link above.

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