Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 2


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 2

Monday, 27 June – Sunday, 03 July

Headmaster’s Kōrero

Matariki hunga nui

Matariki, a time to come together

Matariki ahunga nui

Matariki, a time of bounty

Matariki manako nui

Matariki, a time of aspiration

This whakataukī outlines the three major themes of celebrating the Māori New Year – being together, remembering those no longer with us, being grateful for what we have, especially in relation to food, and setting aspirations around how we can serve the environment and make the world a better place.

Matariki holds many meanings throughout Aotearoa and across the world and learning about it gives us an opportunity to explore and strengthen our local identities. We aim to protect the deep history of Matariki, including local variations and narratives.

Celebrating Matariki together as a nation provides an opportunity for Māori language, culture and history to be more accessible to all New Zealanders both here and overseas. It supports us to reflect the value we place in our cultural heritage and helps develop a better sense of our national identity.

I am excited to be celebrating Matariki not just as a public holiday but as a wonderful expression of what makes us unique.

On another note. Thank you for remaining vigilant with your son’s health, and for all the communications we receive from so many of you. It has been reassuring having improving attendance rates over the past few weeks, as we focus on a term which is so critically important in the year’s cycle of teaching and learning.

Although the impact of COVID has reduced this term, we are still experiencing pressure from staff absences. Much of this comes from staff illness, with COVID and other seasonal ailments, and from a number of staff’s children having COVID.

This week, we have struggled to cover classes with a high number of staff away each day, and so we recognised, reluctantly, that we needed to return to a four-period day over the last week. Additionally, with high absences (staff and students) we have observed many students in the senior school struggling to manage assessment workloads and are falling behind. As a result, we are looking at innovative ways to support students in their learning and to catch-up on work missed. You will see that for the next two weeks we have made an adjustment to the timetable that will allow each department to provide extra tutorials for senior students within the school day.

I appreciate your understanding. We recognise the disruption this decision causes you and your son, especially those who rely on buses, and we are working hard to keep changes to a minimum.

Thank you for your support. Our strength as a whānau comes from your care and your very real contribution.

Ngā mihi nui,

Jarred Williams


Senior Assessment Catch-ups: Temporary Timetable Change

Regular timetabled classes will finish at 2:10pm through Weeks 9 and 10. We will still operate a five-period day. However, classes will be shortened by 5 – 10 minutes. Monday, 27 June is Day 2 on the school timetable.


The purpose of the amended timetable is to build-in a sixth period. The extra period will be for some senior students, only. We appreciate that some seniors progress through the term has been hindered by sustained periods of illness. The intention is to offer extra classes and NCEA assessment catch-up sessions. The priority is to catch-up students that have missed, or are behind with, assessments. In this way these senior students can feel more confident starting Term 3 having completed outstanding assessments and having a break through the holiday.

subjects and dates 

Attendance at the assessment catch-up is compulsory. The subject teacher(s) will identify the senior students that are required to attend. The subject teacher will make contact with the related parent / caregivers, either by email or phone.

The school library will remain open. School buses will depart at the earlier time of 2:20pm. If your son is asked to stay at school for the catch-up classes please assist him, where required, to arrange alternative transport. The partnership to support your son’s learning and progress is appreciated.

If you have a son in Y9 that requires onsite supervision through to the end of the regular school day, please contact the Deputy Headmaster, Mr B Smith, to arrange this:  bsmith@nbhs.school.nz

Winter Wellness

To assist us to reduce transmission of viruses we ask that you support us with these messages:

  1. Stay home if unwell as winter viruses are very infectious. Please only allow your son to return to school when symptoms have improved. Wearing a mask to school when they return is strongly recommended.
  2. Test for COVID-19 using a RAT. If your son tests positive, upload their results to the My Covid Record and follow the Ministry of Health’s advice. Please also continue to let us know at school attendance@nbhs.school.nz or ph. 06 8335901.
  3. Wearing masks at school. With the heightened spread of flu, we are encouraging the wearing masks in all indoor settings onsite, for staff and students. This is not compulsory, but good practice.
  4. Hand hygiene and cough ‘etiquette’ are strongly encouraged. Our boys are learning. Coupled with mask-wearing indoors, this will help to reduce the spread of illness to others. Please encourage your son to wash her hands regularly and use hand sanitiser throughout the day.

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes are communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.

Week ahead academic banner

Parent / Caregiver Teacher Interviews

Parent / caregiver teacher interviews are in Week 10. Meetings are 5 minutes in duration. Students are welcome to attend alongside their parent / caregiver.

Dayboy interviews are 2:30 – 8:30pm on Tuesday, 05 July in the Gymnasium. Please click on the following link to make a booking if your son is a dayboy student:


Hostel interviews are 1:00 – 3:30pm on Friday, 08 July in the C Block classrooms. Please click on the following link to make a booking if your son is a hostel student:


If you have difficulty making a booking, please phone the school office for assistance (06) 833 5900.

On both days school will finish at 12:15pm.

June Progress Report

Progress Reports are emailed to parents / caregivers twice a term.

The June Progress Report will be emailed Friday, 24 June, ahead of the Parent / Caregiver Teacher Interviews. If you have any questions about the grades and results reflected in the Progress Report, please raise these at the interviews. Conversely, we appreciate you taking the time to support your son, highlighting the positives in the report.

If you do not receive your son’s progress report, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz to update your contact details.

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 9

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Art Painting & Sculpture AS3.2 Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to painting

AS3.3 Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established painting practice


NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 10

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Science AS1.1 Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction


Core PE AS1.6 Demonstrate strategies to improve performance of a physical activity and describe the outcomes GUN/ LOC
English AS1.8 Explain significant connection(s) across texts, using supporting evidence All
PE – Sport & Rec AS1.6 Demonstrate strategies to improve performance of a physical activity and describe the outcomes LEI
Math (AMA) AS1.4 Linear Algebra DOU/ KET


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
English AS91101 Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing All
Core PE AS2.2 Demonstrate how and why biophysical principles relate to the learning of physical skills WES/ JAK



NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Core PE AS3.1 Evaluate Physical experiences to devise strategies for lifelong well-being LEI
 Art Design AS3.2 & 3.3 Conventions appropriate to design and systematically clarify ideas informed by established design practice. WLS
Hospitality US13316 Pasta FIN

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/

Week Ahead Sport

1st XI Football National Qualifiers

The 1st XI football have had a successful start to their season. They end the term with the Super 8 tournament, hosted by Tauranga Boys’. Next week the team will play two important fixtures, their national qualifying games.

The details for the games are below. Please come along to support the team & school!

1st Team Results, Week 8

Code Opposition Result

1st XI Hockey

HBHS Win 5-0

1st XI Football

St Johns
Gisborne Boys High School
Win 10-0
Win 6-2
Super 8 1st XV Rugby Hastings Boys High School Loss 14 – 25
Super 8 2nd XV Rugby Hastings Boys High School Win 27-19

1st Team Fixtures, Week 9

Code Date and time Location
1st XI Hockey v BYE
Basketball Senior A White v Whare Tapere Wednesday 29th June, 5:30pm PGA
Basketball Senior A Blue v Lindisfarne College Wednesday 29th June, 4:00pm PGA
1st XI Football v Havelock High Wednesday 29th June, 2:45pm NBHS #1
1st XI Football v Lindisfarne College Friday 1st July, 6:00pm Napier City Rovers
Super 8 1st XV Rugby v Hamilton Boys High School Saturday 2nd July, 12noon Hamilton Boys High School

Sports Draw

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.

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