Week Ahead: Week 3 Term 4


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 3, Term 4 

Monday, 31 October – Sunday, 6 November 

It was with deep sadness that our school received news this week of the passing of Mr Peter McGlashan.  Mr McGlashan was a long serving member of the Napier Boys’ High teaching staff.  He started teaching here in 1977 and retired after 43 years of service in 2019.  Napier Boys’ High School was very fortunate and blessed to have had such a passionate, caring teacher who was very much beloved by his students.   Over the years, Mr McGlashan was heavily involved in Football and Cricket.  He dedicated much of his time mentoring, instructing, and providing lifelong lessons that set many young men on the path to success.  Generous, kind, supportive, a man with integrity who exemplified manaakitanga. His contribution to this place cannot be underestimated. Even after his retirement Mr McGlashan continued to give back by serving on the Napier Old Boys’ Association, a testament of his affection and commitment to this school. I know the association will dearly miss their respected colleague.  As will many of his friends and past students from this school, we are very sad he is no longer with us.  Our hearts go out to Mr McGlashan’s whānau at this challenging time. They are in our thoughts (and prayers).

Waiho ake mā te Atua kaha rawa ia hai manaaki, hai tiaki. Mā tātau hai mihi, hai poroporoaki, hai tangi hōkai nei mōna.

Let the graciousness of the lord above manaaki him, and care for him as we mourn the loss of our great friend.

On Friday we held our Year 13 Valedictorian Assembly to acknowledge and celebrate the high achievements of several students and to also recognise the contributions of all students who are leaving.

We also announced the first group of prefects.  Prefects are selected for their endeavour, hard work, identified leadership qualities and willingness to serve, we are excited about the calibre of young men who will lead us in 2023.  We also acknowledged our outgoing prefects for their leadership, guidance and willingness to influence others for the better.  We have every confidence that they will continue to grow as leaders in our community and contribute in so many positive ways.

We are extremely proud of what our Year 13 have accomplished and know that they leave with a strong sense of respect for themselves and others.  We wish them all the very best in their upcoming examinations and hope they find success in whatever endeavour they may choose.

In the assembly I reminded our leavers that they are valued, and that each have incredible capacity and gifts.  I know they can and will make great contributions to society.  I encouraged them to find their truth; to Dare to Speak, to Be Truth Seekers; to find in life what is good, beautiful and true. If our students keep doing that – and always hold the NBHS motto close, they will succeed.

Me tika te mahi, kia mataara

Justum perficito nihil timeto

Do right and fear nothing

Ngā Mihi


Jarred Williams

Important Dates 

Monday 31 October – TUIA Awards night
Thursday 3 November – Senior Prizegiving

Looking Ahead:
21 & 22 November – Teacher only days
9 December – Term 4 ends

TUIA 2022 

Kia ora,
You and your whānau are invited to come celebrate our TUIA 2022 Awards night, where many of our Māori and Pasifika students will be acknowledged, recognised and celebrated for their efforts and energy in their learning journeys here at Napier Boys’ High School. 

 School Uniform Shop

The school uniform shop is open next week on Tuesday (3-4.30pm) and Thursday (1.10 – 2.10pm).  The uniform shop will be shut on Tuesday 8 November and Thursday 10 November due to the year 8 interview and uniform outfitting.

 Senior Prizegiving 

Senior prizegiving will be held on Thursday 3 November, 6:30pm. It is compulsory for all Year 11, 12 and 13 to attend. Parents are welcome to join us.  

Study Leave

Study leave starts for most senior students on Friday 4 November:
Year 13 at start of period 4
Year 12 at start of lunchtime
Year 11 at start of period 5

Week Ahead Sport Sport Photos 

1st XV and Prefects photos are on 2nd November at 1.20pm and 1.30pm 


What do Sonny Bill Williams, Portia Woodman and Rieko Ioane all have in common? 

They all did athletics while they were at school. The skills you learn in athletics are the perfect foundation for almost any sport. 

Our local athletics clubs are welcoming new members now. They provide everything that you need to give it a go. 

To find out more contact your local club at athletics.org.nz/FindaClub 

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