Week Ahead: Week 8 Term 4 (27th November-3rd December)


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 8 Term 4

Monday 27th November – Sunday 3rd December

Junior Prizegiving

Our final celebration of the school year, the Junior Prizegiving, is Tuesday, 12 December. The Junior Prizegiving will commence at 10:00am.

We will have a late start on this day. Y9 & Y10 students will go to their Period 1 class, starting at 9:00am. Students will be dismissed following the prizegiving. Buses will depart at 12:00pm.

Parents / whānau will be notified in the coming weeks if their son is receiving a prize.

Start of Year 2024

We can confirm the following dates for the start of school in 2024.

Monday 29 January            Y12 / Y13 course confirmation

Tuesday 30 January           Pōwhiri – Y9, Y13 & other students new to school

Wednesday 31 January     Y9 & Y10 – Y12

Thursday 01 February        Full school. First day of timetabled classes

Friday 02 February              Full school. Timetabled classes

Monday 05 February           Full school. Timetabled classes

Tuesday 06 February          Waitangi Day

We are moving to a digital / live calendar in 2024. This will be accessible for parents / whānau via the KAMAR Parent Portal and School Bridge.

More information about the start of school and digital calendar will be made available in the coming weeks.

NCEA Examinations – Reminder

The NCEA examinations finish on Thursday 30 November. The 2023 National Secondary Examination Timetable can be found here.

If your son is unwell on the day of the examination, please contact Mr Bundle gbundle@nbhs.school.nz  to request a derived grade form.

Tertiary Study in 2024

If your son is moving on to tertiary study in 2024, they should check their eligibility for fees-free study. They can do this here: www.feesfree.govt.nz

Applying for student loans and allowances needs to be done before 16 December. Enrolment is via Study Link  www.studylink.govt.nz

International Student Homestays required


Junior Reports & Accessing Results

The final junior report will be emailed to parents / caregivers in Week 10.

A reminder that parents / caregivers can access results and historical school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Junior exam results will be accessible here. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/ or via the School Bridge app.

Week Ahead Sport

Junior Cricket Tournament: 27-30 November, at Napier Boys’ High School. Draw HERE

Condor Sevens Tournament: 1-3 December, Mount Maunganui. Live stream HERE

Tennis Lessons: Mondays after school

Softball: Saturday Morning

Senior Cricket: Saturdays

The NBHS Parents’ Association is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to meet, creating a wider NBHS community.

The Association organises events to support our school community and supports school events.

The Association is self-funded, those involved can contribute as much or as little as they wish.

If you would like to be involved, please email scook@nbhs.school.nz

If you son has grown out of his current uniform, or, if he if has left the school, the Uniform Shop can sell NBHS uniform on your behalf, for a modest fee, or you can donate his NBHS uniform to the school.  If you have used current uniform to sell, please bring this into the school office.

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