Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 1 (Monday 10th February – Sunday 16th February)


Waitangi Day

A reminder that school is closed Thursday 06 and Friday 07 February.

We resume classes on Monday 10 February, this is Day 3 on the school calendar. Please remind your son to go to his tutor class at 8:30am.

Y9 Meet the Teacher

Y9 Meet the Teacher is Wednesday 12 February, 6:00 – 7:20pm. The purpose of the evening is for you to meet your son’s core subject teachers. The teachers will provide an overview of their subject, course, pathways and expectations. The evening begins in the Napier Boys’ High School Henderson Hall with a Headmaster’s address. You will then move into a classroom to meet your son’s core subject teachers. Ahead of the evening, please ensure that you know your son’s core class, for example 9N.


Normal shop hours have resumed. The Uniform Shop is open Tuesday after school, 3 – 4.30pm, and Thursday lunch, 1.10 – 2.10pm.

School Bridge App

School Bridge is our main tool to communicate with the community. The SchoolBridge App includes a web-based version and an app for iOS and Android.

Sign In: if you have a Google, Microsoft or Facebook account and use the same email account as you have registered with Napier Boys’ you can use this to sign in. For parents without this you can sign-in using the ‘Magic Link’, below.

Magic Link Sign-in

  1. Click on this link Request a Magic Sign-in Code
  2. Select the Email Magic Link sign-in and enter the email you have registered as your contact email with us.
  3. You will receive an email to that address that will contain both a link to sign-in and a code that can be entered to sign in. The code needs to be used within 72 hours.
  4. Once signed in on the app you won’t need to sign in again.
  5. If using the web-based version if you sign out you will need to resend the Magic Link to re-sign in.

Web Version

Android App

Apple App

Sibling Switcher: you will also be able to use the “Sibling Switcher” to switch between students, without additional passwords. You can also add students at different schools, who use SchoolBridge.

If you are having any trouble signing-in, there are ‘help’ videos on the sign-in page.

 Public Health Nurse – Updating Safety Plans

If your child has a serious medical condition such as an allergy that causes Anaphylaxis, Type 1 Diabetes or Epilepsy, this requires a “Safety Plan” at school. Please notify the school office as soon as possible. It is a parental responsibility to ensure that any medication required is current and that your child always carries both medication and action plan.

If your child has Asthma, please ensure that they have an asthma plan from their GP and that they bring their inhaler to school.

Any queries or concerns please contact me kate.davis@hbdhb.govt.nz

Kate Davis

Public Health Nurse

BYOD Expectations 

Our expectation is that all year levels and subjects have a blended learning model. This means using the right ‘tool’ – device or pen / paper –  at the right time, just like a modern workplace.

Laptops will be required for learning from Week 3 for Seniors and Week 4 for Juniors.

Loan devices will be available from the Library in the morning before school.

Please refer to last week’s Week Ahead for recommendations related to specifications. If you need assistance, or advice, before purchasing a device, our IT Engineer, Matt Osterfield, can assist matt.osterfield@nbhs.school.nz


If your son is involved in Gateway please remind them to attend the placement meeting on Friday 14 February at lunchtime in the school library. Similarly, if your son is involved with the Trades Academy remind them to confirm with the Careers Department what day they will be involved with their trade. The Trades Academy starts in Week 3.

NCEA External Examinations – review & reconsiderations

Your son is now able to view his marked NCEA script from the 2024 examinations. Instructions on how to access the scripts is available here:

Accessing marked digital and scanned paper exams online » NZQA

Access will be available until the end of June.

Students have the option to apply for a review or reconsideration of their marked script. Information on this process is found here:  Reviews and reconsiderations » NZQA There is a charge of $20.40 per standard.

We encourage your son to consult his subject teacher prior to applying for a review or reconsideration.

The closing date for NZQA reviews and reconsiderations is 17 February.

What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments

We will begin adding due dates for upcoming NCEA internal assessments in the Senior School, here. This will commence from the middle of Term 1.


Summer Sports Registration

Information for Summer Sports Registrations have been circulated in the first week (via SchoolBridge/email). This will be a form to complete, click HERE, with payment (for some codes) to confirm enrolment in the sports code.

There will also be meetings for various codes which will be advertised in the school notices.

If you have any questions prior to this, please email sports coordinator kmccallum@nbhs.school.nz


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