NBHS Board

Financial Report

Napier Boys’ High School has always had a tradition of strong leadership and quality governance. The Board is elected on a three yearly cycle with the exception of the student representative who is elected by the student body annually in September.

The Board consists of five parent representatives, a staff representative, a student representative and the Headmaster. Full Board meetings are held every six weeks and other sub committees meet on a similar basis.

The role of the Board is to set strategic direction for the school and to action those goals via the annual plans of the school and the School Charter. Teaching and Learning outcomes are the key focus for the Board and reviews of performance occur at six monthly intervals.

Click here to view our School Annual Plan (2024)
Concerns and Complaints Process
Click here to view our School Policies

Napier Boys’ High Schools policy documents are now stored on schooldocs.co.nz

Instructions for viewing our documents:

  1. Go to schooldocs.co.nz
  2. Search for Napier Boys’ High School.
  3. Enter your community username and password. (Username: nbhs, Password: dorightfearnothing)

NBHS Health & Safety

Our Health & Safety Reps are:

Dianna Chamberlain

Jarred Williams

Michael Leitch

Brenda Hall

Joeseph Taurima

Richard Townley

The current Board

meeting dates, 5.30 pm Start

Monday 12 August 2024

Monday 16 September 2024

Monday 4 November 2024

Friday 6 December 2024