Alert Level 2 update Sunday, 28 February 2021


The decision has been made to reschedule some school events. This follows yesterday’s announcement that we have moved to Alert Level 2.

Y9 Ladder to Manhood, scheduled for Tuesday, 02 March has been postponed. Please ensure your son brings his equipment for all timetabled classes.

The Pasifika student group visit to the Napier City Council scheduled for Wednesday, 03 March has been postponed.

At Alert Level 2 the Uniform Shop is closed to outside visitors. However, students can still purchase uniform onsite. The Uniform Shop is open to students Tuesday 3:10 – 4:30pm and Thursday 1:10 – 2:10pm. Parents and caregivers can order / purchase uniform by emailing

Napier Boys’ High School is open and safe to attend

At Alert Level 2 schools are open to all students. It is safe for students to attend school and for boarding facilities to operate. The School has initiated Alert Level 2 protocol and procedures to keep students and staff safe.

Your son must stay at home if he is sick. If he has COVID-like symptoms, please seek medical advice.

We ask that parents, caregivers and whānau do not visit the school site unless it is essential. In the unlikely event you need to visit the school you must scan the QR code or sign-in through the main reception.

For more information about the public health measures at Alert Level 2 you can visit

Public Transport

A reminder that students travelling to/from school on public transport must wear a face mask. Students travelling on a school bus service are exempt from this ruling.


We will await further information in relation to upcoming activities.

Ngā mihi,

Matt Bertram

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