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Week Ahead: Week 10, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 10, Term 3 Monday, 27 September – Sunday, 03 October Uniform Shop Both uniform shops, new and second-hand, are closed Week 10. Both shops are relocating. For urgent uniform requirements please contact the school office, or email Both shops will reopen on the last day of the school holidays, Friday 15 October, 10am – 3.30pm. Normal …

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Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 3 Monday 20 – Sunday, 26 September Kia ora koutou This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). This has been celebrated since 1975. It acknowledges and celebrates the Māori language as a unique cultural treasure for all New Zealanders. The language is a defining feature of who we are as …

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Week Ahead: Week 8, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 8, Term 3 Monday 13 – Sunday, 19 September Mālō e lelei I have used a Tongan greeting to start as this is officially Tongan Language Week.  It was a pleasure to see the boys walk through the school gates yesterday morning. It was equally exciting to welcome the boys back into the hostel Wednesday evening. Conversely, …

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NBHS Covid-19: Returning to School Under Alert Level 2

Dear Parents and Caregivers We are excited and relieved to learn that schools can re-open fully under Alert Level 2.  Firstly, we are extremely mindful that this is not “business as usual”.  The experiences of lockdown and online learning have been markedly different for each of us. It would be wrong to expect that learning will simply pick-up where we …

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Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 3 Monday 06 – Sunday, 12 September Kia ora te whānau, There is a possibility that next week most of the country will shift to Alert Level 2. If this is the case, the school and hostel will be open and operational.  During this time of uncertainty, it is important we provide as much stability …

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Week Ahead: Week 6, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 6, Term 3 Monday, 30 August – Sunday, 05 September Headmaster’s Message   Tenā koutou e te whānau As announced by the Prime Minister New Zealand, south of Auckland’s boundary, will move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Tuesday. Primarily, Alert Level 3 means that schools will largely continue to deliver learning via an online learning …

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Level 4 Lock down Update No.2

In accordance with the Prime Minister’s announcement today Kia ora koutou, We trust that all students, whānau and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Given the recent increase in transmission and extension of the Alert Level 4 lockdown, Napier Boys’ High School will continue be closed for onsite learning and access through until 11:59pm Tuesday, 24 August.  I can …

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Napier Boys’ High School Remote Digital Learning

Napier Boys’ High School Remote Digital Learning With school being closed due to Covid – 19 we have moved to remote digital learning. This will obviously be very different to your normal classes. It will rely on your individual motivation to stay engaged with your learning  Teachers are also relatively new to this so please be patient as they work …

Level 4 Lock down Update No.1

17 August 2021 Dear Parents & Caregivers As per the Prime Minister’s announcement we move into Alert Level 4 from 11.59 pm Tuesday, 17 August. Schools will be closed for onsite learning through this three-day lockdown period. We hope that you all stay safe in your respective bubbles. If the need arises, the support team for our boys is available. …

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Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 3, 2021

Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 3 Monday, 02 – Sunday, 08 August Year 9 Enrolment, 2022 Enrolment packs for 2022 Year 9 enrolment are available at all contributing schools from today,  Friday, 30 July. Digital enrolment can be completed here:  Enrol online Our information evening will be Tuesday, 24 August at 6.30 pm. Y8 students and their families wanting a …