COVID-19 Update 1 – Level 2


COVID-19 Level 2 update 1


School will finish at 2.50 pm for the rest of this week inclusive
• Students have been reminded of safe distancing, hygiene and food/drink requirements
If your son is unwell he should remain at home; please notify attendance.
• We have good supplies of hand sanitiser and cleaning products for the school and hostel.
• We are limiting crowd sizes where practical at all times – for example: no assemblies, separated meal times in boarding
• Information regarding postponement or cancellation of sporting and cultural events will be sent out at the end of each day. We will make decisions based on national, regional, and local organisation information.
• Please do not visit the school site unless urgent. Communicate via email and phone. You must sign in if you do visit and use COVID-19 Tracer App.
• Uniform shop is closed. Online sales only.

All communications regarding COVID-19: you will receive a text message and school app alert directing you to your email which will also have a weblink.

Please update contact details with the school office as a priority.

Thank you

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