COVID-19 update – Junior students (y9 and 10) and parents


Dear parents and caregivers

With the news that the Level 4 lockdown is ending on Monday 27 April, we have confirmed our plans for re-opening under Level 3.


  1. Thank you to all the boys who are getting on with their lessons, accessing the online classes and doing the work required. A big thank you to the many parents who have been supporting their sons to get online and helping them complete work.  Please contact the with technical/access problems or your son’s dean where you have pastoral/learning concerns. This link ( will help you find the right person.


  1. Tuesday 28 April is a teacher only day. Your sons can continue with the work they have been set previously


  1. School will be open from Wednesday 29 April for year 9 and 10 boys whose parents’ working circumstances require them to be supervised


  1. The hostel (Scinde House) remains closed for boarding. This does not stop your son attending as a day student if your working circumstances require this supervision.


  1. Learning at school will be online; students should bring devices (laptops or tablets) where possible and headphones.


  1. The onsite timetable will be:


9.00 – 9.30 am                  Pastoral time

9.30 – 10.30 am                Period One

10.30 – 11.30 am             Staggered interval break

11.30 – 12.30 pm             Period Two

12.30 – 1.30 pm                Staggered lunch break

1.30 – 2.30 pm                  Period Three

2.30 – 3.00 pm                  Supervision provided if required


Please note:

·     It is likely that buses will not operate

·        The canteen will not be open

·        All food and drink will need to be brought into school

·        Boys will be learning in teaching spaces with no more than 10 students in total to ensure physical distancing

·        Ball sports or play activities at break times which breach physical distancing will not be allowed

·        This will not, sadly, be the time to catch up with your mates


These requirements are to ensure the health and safety of your sons and our staff during Level 3.


  1. As parents, should you need to come into the school to drop off or collect your son, please only visit the main office and observe the physical distancing signs.


We will send out a further update with any new information or alterations to this plan on Tuesday 28 April

For information regarding Senior Students read here –>

Ngā mihi

Matt Bertram


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