Day Boys Goal-Setting Conferences update


Dear parents and whānau,

Goal-Setting Conferences update

Thank you to the parents and whānau who have made bookings for this fantastic opportunity. Your early booking has enabled us all to plan for the week.

I am writing to update you on changes that we have made to our Goal-Setting Conferences. As I have mentioned earlier, the best scenario is to have you onsite, collaborating, to set goals for your son(s). However, we appreciate for some families this cannot occur in the current climate. Therefore, we have decided to offer online goal-setting conferences for whānau that are unable to make it onsite.

My ideas are summarised in this video: Headmaster’s Message

If you would like to opt for an online goal-setting conference the details are here:

Online Goal-Setting Meeting

For an online goal-setting conference please:

1.      Book: book a meeting using the instructions, as per below, on the website

2.      Email: email your son’s tutor teacher. Inform your son’s tutor teacher that you prefer to do the conference online. You can find a list of the staff email addresses here – staff list

3.      Microsoft TEAMS: your son’s tutor teacher will use MS TEAMS for the online meeting. Your son’s tutor teacher will ‘connect’ with a video call on TEAMS.

a.      Please ensure that your son has logged onto TEAMS at the time of the scheduled conference meeting. The tutor teacher will video call your son on his TEAMS account.

i.     Using the video call function in this way will not allow for multiple users / accounts to join the conference meeting. Therefore, we suggest that you book a meeting time that works for all parents / whānau to be together on your son’s device / account.




Goal-Setting Conferences on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th March. Conferences are between 11:00am – 7:00pm on Thursday and 10:00am – 2:40pm on Friday. Conferences run for twenty minutes. Conferences involve a three-way meeting between the student, parent, and tutor teacher. The purpose of the conference is to set agreed SMART goals for your son to work toward in 2022.

Year 9 students: the conference begins with a discussion around how the year has started, addressing any questions. You will then set SMART goals for 2022 and agree on the steps required to successfully achieve these goals.

Year 10 – 13 students: the conference begins with a review of the 2021 goals and achievements. You will then set SMART goals for 2022 and agree on the steps required to successfully achieve these goals.



To meet with your son’s tutor teacher please click on this link:

Alternatively, you can make a booking here: . Select ‘make a booking’ and enter the code 72tuq

Otherwise please phone the school office, 06 833 5900.

The Deans will be available through these two days. If you would like to meet with your son’s Dean, please email them directly.


House Dean Email Address
Clyde Mr Murray Barker
Mr Kevin Martindale
Hawke Mrs Hayley Double
Mr Simon West
Napier Mr Jeff Pinfold
Mrs Emma Tarrant

Also, our Careers Counsellor, Ms Carola Laurs, and Guidance Counsellor, Mr Rob Silver are available to schedule a meeting.

At this time, we will not operate our regular timetable. Work will be set on TEAMS for your son to complete. Your son should come onsite for his conference, only. He does not need to wear his school uniform if coming onsite. If you are onsite the conference will take place in your son’s regular tutor classroom. Please discuss this with your son.


We ask that you make every effort to attend – online or onsite – with your son. Boys thrive on targets and goals. This is an important opportunity to connect with the school and collaborate around your son’s progress through 2022. You should come to the conference prepared to discuss:

  • Review
    • Y9s – how has the transition been to Napier Boys’? What questions do you have?
    • Y10 – Y13 – revisit the goals that were set in 2021. Why were / weren’t these achieved?
  • Looking forward
    • What are some goals / targets for your son in & out of class?
      • How can we work collectively to achieve these?

Ngā Mihi,

Jarred Williams

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