Cornford Cup
The annual inter-house road race, the Cornford Cup, takes place Thursday, 18 August. For some students this is a mad dash, with some slick times, for others it is rising to the challenge and adding to house points. Students require the appropriate clothing – PE or house colours – and footwear.
NCEA Teacher only Day – Friday 19 AUGUST 2022
Napier Boys' High School 31 Chambers Street, Napier, New ZealandOpen Night 2022
Napier Boys' High School 31 Chambers Street, Napier, New ZealandWe look forward to seeing you here for our 2022 open night.
Whakapiki Ake Hui-a-Rohe Hawke’s Bay
Taradale High School 50 Murphy Road, Taradale, New ZealandWhakapiki Ake Hui-a-Rohe Hawke's Bay An invitation to all rangatahi and whānau Māori for our Hawke's Bay evening hui on Wednesday the 7th of September from 6pm to 8pm @ Taradale College.
Women Raising Boys Hui
NBHS Memorial Library 31 Chambers St, Napier, New ZealandThe NBHS Parents League cordially invite all women caregivers within our NBHS community to attend our third Women Raising Boys Hui. This will be an informative evening hosted by Kirstin Taylor, Senior Master, with the Napier Family Centre giving an overview on surviving the challenge and finding ways to improve communication and build on your relationship with your sons. This ...
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day – School Closed
Napier Boys' High School 31 Chambers Street, Napier, New ZealandTUIA 2022 – Weaving Success Together
Napier Boys' High School 31 Chambers Street, Napier, New ZealandKia ora,You and your whānau are invited to come celebrate our TUIA 2022 Awards night, where many of our Māori and Pasifika students will be acknowledged, recognised and celebrated for their efforts and energy in their learning journeys here at Napier Boys’ High School.
Senior Prizegiving
Napier Boys' High School 31 Chambers Street, Napier, New ZealandParents are welcome to join us at the senior prizegiving, it is compulsory for Yr 11, 12 and 13 to attend.