Dear parents/caregivers
You will be aware there are a growing number of cases of measles in the Auckland region which has implications for winter tournament week. The Auckland Regional Public Health Service has compiled the attached information to support schools to manage the possibility that a student, staff member or volunteer is impacted by measles during the week away.
Our own Ministry of Education office has also advised the following:
The first symptoms of measles are:
- A fever
- A cough
- A runny nose
- Sore and watery ‘pink’ eyes
- Sometimes small white spots on the back inner cheek of your mouth.
For days 3 – 7 of the illness, symptoms include a blotchy rash which tends to start on the face, behind the ears, before moving over the head and down the body. The rash lasts for up to a week.
While we have no teams in Auckland next week and no billeting here, various NBHS teams will oppose Auckland sides at their tournaments and there always remains some risk, particularly with contact sports.
Find attached information from the Auckland Public Health Service –> ARPHS letter winter tourney 28 August 2019
Matt Bertram