Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 1 (Monday 10th March – Sunday 16th March)

Goal-Setting Conferences Tutor / Whānau / Student Goal-Setting Conferences are Thursday 13 & Friday 14 March. All students are expected to attend with a parent / caregiver. An email was sent yesterday containing information related to the conferences, including the focus and booking process. If you are unable to make a booking via School Bridge, please phone the school office, …

Week Ahead: Week 6, Term 1 (Monday 3rd March – Sunday 9th March)

2025 School Prefects Recently, at a special assembly, we recognised and acknowledged the 2025 school prefects. We know that this group will be outstanding leaders, inspiring and guiding our young men. Congratulations to our 2025 Prefects. Jack Bentin                                     Head Boy Riley Mullany      …

Week Ahead: Week 5, Term 1 (Monday 24th February – Sunday 2nd March)

Y9 Ladder to Manhood Part of the Y9 orientation, the Ladder to Manhood programme begins Friday, 28 February. This involves all Y9s. The programme includes team-building activities, haka and reflecting on what it means to be a ‘good man’. Please ensure your Y9 son wears their PE gear, sports shoes and has a hat, preferably a school hat. They will …

Week Ahead: Week 4, Term 1 (Monday 17th February – Sunday 23rd February)

Inter-House Swimming Sports With the new House Shield on-the-line, swimming sports is the first inter-house competition of the school year, Inter-house swimming is Friday 21 February. The Y9/10 event runs through the morning. Seniors swim in the afternoon. On this day we run a 2-1-2 timetable. Y9 & Y10 have class period 4 & 5. Seniors have timetabled lessons Pd …

Week Ahead: Week 2, Term 1 (Monday 10th February – Sunday 16th February)

Waitangi Day A reminder that school is closed Thursday 06 and Friday 07 February. We resume classes on Monday 10 February, this is Day 3 on the school calendar. Please remind your son to go to his tutor class at 8:30am. Y9 Meet the Teacher Y9 Meet the Teacher is Wednesday 12 February, 6:00 – 7:20pm. The purpose of the …

Week Ahead: Week 1, Term 1 (Monday 27th January – Sunday 2nd February)

Welcome to 2025 Welcome to the 2025 school year. The staff are onsite this week, readying for the staggered return of students from this Friday. We look forward to welcoming all our young men – new and returning – and their whānau to our community in its 153rd year. Parents and whānau are invited to attend the pōwhiri for new …

Week Ahead: Week 9, Term 4 (Monday 9th – Sunday 15th December)

Holiday Wishes Next week we will send out an end of Term newsletter. As this is the final Week Ahead for 2024, we would like to take the opportunity to wish our community a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season. The next Week Ahead will be sent Monday, 27 January 2025. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025. Junior …

Week Ahead: Week 8, Term 4 (Monday 2nd – Sunday 8th December)

Junior Cross-Curricular Service Programme Next week, during core classes, Year 9 and 10 students start our Cross-Curricular Service Programme. The aim of this programme is to help our young men recognise the importance of the values of integrity, respect and manaakitanga. We would appreciate, where possible, students bring canned food or other non-perishable food items to add to the school’s …

Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 4 (Monday 25th November – Sunday 1st December)

Junior Assessment Week Junior Assessment Week for Y9 and Y10 students is through Week 7. Assessments are for one hour in each subject. Y9s have formal assessments for their core classes – English, Science, Mathematics and Social Studies. Y10s have assessments for their core classes and two options. One intention of the formal assessments at Y9 and Y10 is to …

Week Ahead: Week 6, Term 4 (Monday 18th November – Sunday 24th November)

Deputy Headmaster Appointment We are excited to announce the appointment of Mr Michael Taylor as Deputy Headmaster. Mr Taylor commences the role in Term 1, 2025. Vastly experienced in boys’ education, currently, Mr Taylor is Deputy Headmaster at our Super 8 counterpart, New Plymouth Boys’ High School. Mr Taylor reflects, “I am excited to join Napier Boys’ High School as …