Top achievers recognised at Napier Boys’ High School’s Junior Prizegiving


A desire to achieve at the highest level and succeed at his goals has seen Napier Boys’ High School student Jonathan Pinckney recognised as this year’s junior dux.

The recognition is the culmination of two years of hard work by the year 10 student, who had his eye on the award from the day he started at the high school.

However, he was still shocked to have received it. He came first in Economics, English, accelerate Maths, and NCEA level one History, despite being in year 10.

He also completed year 11 Maths and Science and gained all excellence credits in his internals.

It is not the first time Jonathan has done well, having received the top academic award at Napier Intermediate School two years ago, and a number of awards last year.

“I didn’t know how hard it would be at high school, but I’ve just worked hard.”

He credits his successes to trying to do the best he can, staying focused and making goals along the way.

Mum Sarah Pinckney said: “He has these goals, and he goes for it”.

“He is so amazing and talented but what’s beautiful about it is he works for it too. He had some stiff competition, but his mates were so excited for him, so I’m a very proud mum.”

The 14-year-old was among a number of students recognised at last week’s NBHS Junior Prizegiving.

The NBHS Junior Dux Ludorum went to Hunter Kinney, while Christian Lilburn was awarded the Junior Dux Musarum Cup for Cultural Excellence.

Hunter, who plays cricket and rugby, says the award has given him “extra motivation” to pursue his goals and go further in his chosen codes.

Christian said he was grateful for the recognition. He lives and breathes music, drama, and dancing, and hopes to reach his potential in everything he does.

NBHS Headmaster Matt Bertram said he was proud of his students and their achievements.

“Helping our young men strive for personal excellence is our goal. Seeing over a quarter of the junior school recognised not only for their talents but also, in many cases, for simply doing their best, is fantastic.”

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