Week Ahead: Week 1, Term 3


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 1, Term 3

Monday, 25  – Sunday, 31 July 

Term 3 Start

Term 3 starts on Monday, 25 July. This is Day 6 on the school timetable. We return to our regular five-period day, finishing at 3:10pm.

The school office and uniform shop will be closed through the school holiday. The school office reopens at 8:00am on Monday, 25 July.

Year 9 Enrolment, 2022

Enrolment packs for 2022 Year 9 enrolment will be available at all contributing schools from Friday, 29 July.

Our information evening will be Tuesday, 23 August. Y8 students and their families wanting a personal tour can arrange this by contacting Mrs White, Headmaster’s PA, HeadmastersPA@nbhs.school.nz or ph. 8335913.

We are anticipating significant enrolment at Y9 in 2023 and encourage in and out-of-zone families to enrol ASAP. We appreciate you sharing this information in the community.

Communication & Contact Details

Through Week 1 we will be asking the students to check their contact details. It is critical that parents / caregivers notify the school of changes to their contact details – physical address, email and phone. Changes should be updated with the school office by emailing Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

In the case of an emergency or for urgent updates we may use a text messaging / SMS service. Increasingly we use the School App to push out updates. This is useful for parents / caregivers and students. Download ‘SchoolAppsNZ’ and select Napier Boys’ High School.

Youth Grant Fund

This fund is designed to help local youth to achieve their aspirations. The fund is open to anyone living in Napier aged between 12 – 24yo that is involved in a project or activity to promotes their personal development.

Applications open Wednesday 29 June and close Wednesday 3 August.

If your son, or a family member is interested in applying they can do so here.

School Board – Election

School Board Elections are soon. We are seeking nominations to join the NBHS Board. This is a fantastic way to contribute to the school community and support your son’s education.  No experience is required to take on the role. There is plenty of training and support available.

Please give some thought to standing or nominating someone else. The call for nominations will be in July.

You can find further information on what it means to be on a school board here.

Ngā mihi nui,

Megan Landon, Returning Officer

Policy Reviews

Our school policies are with ‘Schooldocs’. The school community is invited to review and comment on specific policies and procedures.

Visit https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/  Search for Napier Boys’ High School.

Username: nbhs

Password: dorightfearnothing

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes are communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/

1st Team Results, Week 10

Code Opposition Result

1st XI Hockey

HNHS 1st XI Win by Default

1st XI Football

Lindisfarne College Win 4-3
Basketball Senior A White HBHS Senior A Loss 89-83
Basketball Senior A Blue St Johns College Loss 100-62
Super 8 1st XV Rugby Hamilton Boys’ High School Loss 8 – 22
Super 8 2nd XV Rugby Hamilton Boys’ High School Loss 10 – 55

1st Team Fixtures, Week 1, Term 3

Code Date and time Location
1st XI Hockey v No draw available
Basketball Senior A White v Lindisfarne Senior A Wednesday 27th July, 5:30pm PGA 3
Basketball Senior A Blue v HBHS Senior A Wednesday 27th July, 7:00pm PGA 2
1st XI Football v No Game
Super 8 1st XV Rugby v New Plymouth Boys’ High School Saturday July 30, 12noon NPBHS
Super 8 2nd XV Rugby v New Plymouth Boys’ High School Saturday July 30, 10:30am NPBHS

 Sports Draw

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.

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