Week Ahead Week: 10, Term 1


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 10, Term 1
Monday, 04 – Sunday, 10 April

Week ahead General banner

150th Jubilee  

We are excited to welcome Napier Boys’ old boys, staff and friends from all eras to celebrate 150 years of education at this fantastic school. We have a fabulous weekend organised, with events for all.

Registration for the 150th Jubilee is now live. Please help us to share the registration information in the community. Registration is through the school website.

Registration for the 150th Jubilee is now live. Please help us to share the registration information in the community.

Cycling & Road Safety

We appreciate your support to ensure that your son uses his bike/scooter responsibly travelling to/from school. The main message is for the boys to be aware of others, namely parked and moving vehicles. In recent weeks we have had members of the public phoning through signalling a series of near misses with cars backing out of driveways.

Key messages need to be revisited – be safe, be aware, be seen and be prepared.

More information to share with your son can be found here – cycle safety

Cycling & Road Safety

COVID-19: Procedure, Practice & Offsite Learning

Our intention is to continue through to the end of term with the current school settings/timetable. This is reliant on our teaching and wider staff not being impacted too heavily by COVID. As per our comments last week, we want to sustain as much normality and structure as we can for your son(s).


If your son is at home with COVID-19 symptoms, a household contact, or tests positive for COVID-19, please get in touch with the school as soon as possible. Please email attendance@nbhs.school.nz  or phone 06 8335900.

self-isolation instructions

self-isolation instructions

Offsite Learning

Students that are unable to be onsite, as a household contact or COVID-positive, should continue their learning via MS TEAMS.

For your reference, the MS TEAMS Student Manual is available here

If your son has technical issues accessing MS TEAMS, please contact the Student Helpdesk: studenthelpdesk@nbhs.school.nz

Stage 1 Hybrid Learning: Timetable.

Hybrid Learning TimetableUniform Shop

Winter uniform, including sport, is now available to order. The price list can be viewed here – Winter Uniform.

At COVID-19 Phase 3, we would prefer that students are not trying-on uniforms.

To order a winter uniform, please email the related details to uniforms@nbhs.school.nz. You should include:

  • your son’s name
  • item(s) – please only order one of each item at this stage
  • size – please base the sizing off your son’s current uniform

Payment must be by Internet Banking into your son’s school account. Your son will be notified when the uniform is ready to be collected from the school office.

Items can be exchanged if they do not fit. These must be unworn/unnamed.

Items can continue to be purchased through to the end of Term 1. Thereafter, the new and used shops will be open on the last day of the school holiday, Friday 29 April, 10 am – 3.30 pm.

All students are expected to be in a long-sleeve winter shirt through Term 2 and 3.

Term 1 Policy Review

Parents are invited to review the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy aspects.


Username: nbhs

Password: dorightfearnothing

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar.

Urgent updates will be pushed out via the School App. 

Week ahead academic banner


Y9 Athletic Development Programme, 2022

We are excited to announce that we are trialling a new Y9 option for 2022. The Athlete Development Programme will run through the second trimester Year 9 option programme. Students involved in the programme will have 4 hours per 6-day cycle in the Athlete Development Programme. This programme will replace one of their chosen Year 9 option subjects.

The Athlete Development Programme is a high-performance course aimed at developing athletes to reach the top of their respective sports. The programme philosophy matches the school’s philosophy that students must be committed to their academic studies as their main priority. A strong work ethic is critical to students’ academic and sporting success.

A course outline and application form will be distributed to all interested Y9s on Monday, 04 April. Applications must be completed and returned before Monday, 11 April.


Term One Progress Report

This report offers an overview of your son’s achievements and effort. The April progress report will be emailed to parents/caregivers in Week 11. Please make the time to talk through this report with your son, acknowledging the positives, work-ons and setting goals to work toward collectively.


What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 10

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
L1ASC Science AS1.8 Chemical Reactions TAY


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 11

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS1.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
Geography AS1.5 Conduct Geographic research with direction BAR, TAM, MEA, JOH
English AS1.6 Speech Presentation ALL


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS2.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
Chemistry AS2.7 Reduction-Oxidation Processes OCO, SMI
Mathematics AS2.9 Statistics HEU, MCD, LEE, HRR, GOU
English AS2.5 Speech Presentation ALL


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Māori Studies AS3.5 Waihanga tuhinga (Portfolio Piece 1 of 3) MAT, PAK
Geography AS3.5 Conduct Geographic research with consultation JOH, MEA
Agriculture AS3.1 Investigation – Urea Trial NEW


KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents/caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/

Week Ahead Sport

Motocross North King Country Secondary Schools

We will be sending a team of 11 boys to compete in this event in Te Kuiti, Saturday 09 April.

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