Week Ahead: Week 3, Term 1
Monday, 14 – Sunday, 20 February

Kia ora koutou,
Kei ngā whānau, kei ngā kaitiaki tokomaha o te motu e poipoi ana i ngā tamariki mokopuna, tēnā rā koutou katoa.
‘The Big Boost’
I would like to share information about ‘The Big Boost’ and how to book your booster.
You may be aware ‘The Big Boost’ is happening during February, and everyone in Aotearoa is being asked to get their boosters as soon as they are due.
To make it easier, pop-up vaccination centres – with extended opening hours – are open for you to get your booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Evidence has shown that the Pfizer vaccine provides a higher level of protection against severe disease or hospitalisation from the Omicron variant than the two-dose course. Being fully vaccinated with two doses provides greater protection against Delta, however, the booster is the best way to fight Omicron.
If you want to know more about the booster – you can get the facts about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Who can have a booster?
Anyone in your whānau over the age of 18 who has had their second dose at least three months ago.
You can check when you are due for a booster by visiting mycovidrecord.nz or calling the Covid Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 (8 am-8 pm, seven days a week).
You can book your booster at BookMyVaccine.nz or for whānau bookings call 0800 28 29 26
Ngā manaakitanga,
Jarred Williams
School timetable under the Red Setting
To meet the requirements at the Red Setting we have made changes to the school timetable.
We have had to drop assemblies and other large indoor meetings. The boys now go to their tutor class at the start of every school day. This is an opportunity for the tutors to check-in with their class and push-out information for the day ahead. Lunch has been shortened.
The changes have resulted in the school day finishing earlier. Please note the updated times, below.
School buses are running at the regular departure time.
Thank you for your support in providing a suitable mask for your son. Generally, the boys have dealt with this requirement well, through the week.
We have a very limited supply of masks to pass onto students for one-off instances, like the loop on the mask breaks during class. To this end, please ensure that your son has a supply of masks for the week.
Collectively we continue to be plagued by stationery order delays. As outlined last week this is a supply/delivery issue. If your son (Y9 – 11) has not received his stationery, please ensure he has a pen and paper.
Inter-House Swimming Sports
The intention is to continue with as much of the regular school calendar as possible. The inter-house competition is a significant part of our school culture.
We will run a restricted inter-house swimming sports on Thursday, 17 February. The boys will compete across the morning in a time slot limited to their year level.
Updates will be posted on social media.
Tutor Class Photos
Tutor class photos are Friday, 18 February. These are individual portraits. Information will be provided in the coming weeks related to ordering your son’s photo.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop – new and used – is now open during the regular hours, only. A reminder that under the Red Setting we are unable to have non-essential visitors onsite.
The Uniform Shop hours are:
- Tuesday after school, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
- Thursday during the student’s lunchtime.
Prefects and Academic Colours Assembly – Video
The 2022 Prefects and Academic Colours Assembly was last week. You can watch a recording of the assembly here: https://www.youtube.com/c/NapierBoysHighSchool/videos
Upcoming Events – stay informed
Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar
School Website
We apologise for the current issues with access to our menus from a mobile device. If you’re having trouble accessing any information on the school website please try switching to a desktop computer. We are working on fixing this issue.
NCEA External Examinations – review & reconsiderations
Your son is now able to view his marked NCEA script from the 2021 examinations. Instructions on how to access the scripts are found here: Accessing marked digital and scanned paper exams online » NZQA
These digital copies will be available until 30 June, 2022.
Students can apply for a review or reconsideration of their marked script. Information on this process is found here: Reviews and reconsiderations » NZQA
We encourage your son to consult his subject teacher prior to applying for a review or reconsideration.
The closing date for NZQA reviews and reconsiderations is 25 February.
What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments
We will begin adding due dates for upcoming NCEA internal assessments in the Senior School, here. This will commence in Week 4.
KAMAR Parent Portal
Parents/caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were emailed this week. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz
You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/
Red Setting Protocol & Procedure
Sport and co-curricular activities under the Red Setting are problematic. This is an evolving situation. Expectations around school sport may change. Updates will be communicated through the student’s school notices and the Week Ahead.
Junior T20 cricket begins Wednesday, 16 February. Please refer to the sports draw link, below.
The 1st XI has their Gillette Cup qualifier on Thursday, 17 February at Nelson Park. The opposition is TBC.
Colts Cricket, for all three XIs, starts Saturday, 19 February.
Sports Draws
You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
Volleyball starts Wednesday, 16 February. Refer to the sports draw, link above.
Touch rugby begins Week 4.
Unfortunately, we are having some technical issues with the sports draws page on our website. In all instances, please check the relevant website for your sport or check with your coach. Any further questions please contact our Sports Co-Ordinator Kirsty McCallum on kmccallum@nbhs.school.nz