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Week Ahead: Week 4, Term 1, 2022


Napier Boys High School Week AheadWeek Ahead: Week 4, Term 1
Monday, 21 – Sunday, 27 February

Kia ora,

You will know by now that a number of schools in Napier have students who have received a positive COVID test result.  It is only a matter of time before COVID-19 comes through our own school community. We are confident of our preparations and are thoroughly familiar with the guidelines set out by the Ministry for managing COVID-19 in school under Phase 2.

To elaborate a little, when we have a case in school we will work through a step-by-step process, in consultation with the Ministry of Health, to identify and notify all students considered to be close contacts. They will be asked to stay home to self-isolate and have tests. The isolation period at Phase 2 is 7 days.

A variety of methods will be used to contact families, if we cannot make phone contact, we will send an email to the address we have on file, and a text message asking that the email be read immediately. I apologise in advance if we must inform you using an impersonal approach. As case numbers grow, we do not have the resources to contact you all individually, and we do want you to be informed as quickly as possible.

You should be very proud of your sons, as we navigate COVID-19. They have been superb in their response, helpful and caring, and completely compliant to all requests and instructions. I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful school where staff are treated with respect and consideration. Thank you for all that you do, as parents, to make this possible.

I will continue to inform you as cases arise. Take care of yourself, and your sons, through the weeks ahead.

Ngā mihi nui,

Jarred Williams

COVID Readiness – Digital Learning Model

As per the Headmaster’s kōrero, we are preparing for a variety of scenarios.

Currently – with readiness in mind – we feel it is important to communicate some plans and expectations if we need to temporarily shift to a digital learning model, with the bulk of students learning remotely.

As experienced at a local high School there is the potential that we may have to shift to a temporary and short period of remote digital learning. At this time the school would remain open, but most students would be learning remotely.

In the event that we do shift temporarily to a remote digital learning model we anticipate operating the following timetable:

In this instance, the student timetable, Day 1 – Day 6, will continue. In this way, the boys maintain their regular timetabled classes and have more frequent interaction with their teachers and classmates. Period 5 will be dropped. The expectation is that the boys would continue to work through assigned tasks in the afternoon.

We continue using Microsoft Teams as our digital learning platform. Y10 – 13 are very familiar with this platform. Y9s have been navigating TEAMS since their orientation. For your reference, the MS TEAMS Student Manual is available here.

COVID Readiness – Parent / caregiver contact information

More than ever having accurate and current contact details is critical for schools. We do expect to be contact tracing in the coming weeks.

We have been confirming contact details during tutor class. However, it is critical that you update the school with any changes to your mobile phone number, email or physical address. We must be able to contact you through the school day and after hours by phone. The email you provide to the school must be an account that you access daily.

Please notify any changes to Mrs J Gourdie


Thank you for your support in providing a suitable mask for your son. Generally, the boys have dealt with this requirement well, through the week.

We have a very limited supply of masks to pass onto students for one-off instances, like the loop on the mask breaks during class. To this end, please ensure that your son has a supply of masks for the week.

Physical Education – Lost Property

A large amount of school uniform is being left in the changing sheds following Physical Education lessons.

The image highlights what has been collected in the first two weeks of school, with the majority un-named. Please discuss this with your son and check that all items of uniform are clearly labelled. Any items that are clearly labelled are sent to the office where a message will be sent to the students to collect.

Paid Union Meeting

The school will close early on Thursday, 24 February. School will finish at 1:20 pm. Please contact the school if you require your son to be supervised through to the end of the regular school day, 3:00 pm.

Buses will depart at the earlier time of 1:30 pm.

Inter-House Athletics Day

We can run inter-house athletics under the Phase 2 setting. Athletics Day is Friday, 25 February. The 3000m races will be run Tuesday, 22 February.

Students should travel to / from school in uniform. They are to bring PE gear or house colours to change into during their tutor class. Please ensure that they have access to sunscreen and bring a hat and drink bottle.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop – new and used – is now open during the regular hours, only. A reminder that we are unable to have non-essential visitors onsite.

The Uniform Shop hours are:

Tuesday after school, 3:00 – 4:30pm
Thursday during the student’s lunchtime.

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.

What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments

We will begin adding due dates for upcoming NCEA internal assessments in the Senior School, here. This will commence next week.

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were emailed this week. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here:

Super 8 Summer Tournaments

Fortunately, despite the regulatory processes, Super 8 tournaments can proceed next week.
Super 8 Tennis host the tournament running Monday – Wednesday. Matches are at Hawke’s Bay Lawn Tennis.
Super 8 Golf travel to Rotorua to play Monday & Tuesday at Springfield Golf Club.
Super 8 Volleyball have their tournament in Hamilton, Monday – Wednesday.


Junior T20 and Colts Cricket continue Week 4. Please refer to the sports draw link, below.

The 1st XI has their Gillette Cup qualifier on Wednesday, 24 February at Nelson Park, starting 10:00am.

Sports Draws

You can find the sports draws here:

Volleyball continues Wednesday, 23 February. Refer to the sports draw, link above.
Touch rugby begins in Week 4. Refer to the sports draw, link above.


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