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Week Ahead: Week 5, Term 1, 2022


Napier Boys High School Week AheadWeek Ahead: Week 5, Term 1
Monday, 28 February – Sunday, 06 March

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau,

It has been a remarkably busy time since my last communication. Fortunately, we have been able to forge ahead with some school events, namely the swimming sports – congratulations to Scinde House for taking this out – and Athletics Day.

Since I last wrote, we have continued to learn of more COVID positive students and members in our community. At present, we have had a group of primarily senior students isolating as close contacts.

The high level of compliance of all of our students, and their willingness to work with us, as staff, to help keep us all safe, has minimised any spread within the school.

I would like to thank those who have followed the guidelines as close contacts and have stayed home. I know students have been disappointed and frustrated when they have learnt of their situation. They have all understood and accepted the need to do the right thing. It has made our task so much easier.

Yesterday, the government announced that we have moved into phase 3. The major difference, In Phase 3, is that only household contacts of confirmed cases are required to self-isolate. This means all other contacts of COVID-positive people are not required to isolate, but they will need to monitor for symptoms. In addition, students sent home yesterday because they were identified as close contacts, will be able to return to school, unless they are symptomatic. Remember, the same mitigation measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 remain in place: vigilance about symptoms and staying away if unwell continue to be a priority. The isolation period will be 10 days.

In terms of the suggested amendments to the mandate for school sport and cultural events, we were also informed, yesterday, that a decision has been made in, principle, and will be communicated to us soon.

My very best wishes to all. Please do not hesitate to contact the school, if there is anything that we can do to help you or your son through the weeks ahead. We appreciate your continuing support.

Ngā Mihi,

Jarred Williams

Phase 3 in Schools

  • Only household contacts of confirmed cases are required to self-isolate, at Phase 3
  • The isolation period will be ten days
  • All other contacts of COVID-positive people are not required to isolate, but they will need to monitor for symptoms
  • Rapid antigen tests will become the primary testing method
  • We remain in the RED settings

This is a decision that has been made based on public health advice – the high vaccination rate across the country will do its job in protecting us from transmission during the next surge of cases.

Phase 3 – Hybrid Digital Learning

As signalled last week we have prepared for a variety of scenarios. This includes having several students unable to attend onsite.

Our priority is face-to-face learning. The previous two years have collectively taught us the significance of students being onsite, for their learning and wellbeing.

We do appreciate over the coming weeks that some students will be unable to be onsite, as a household contact or COVID-positive. In this instance, seniors can continue their learning via MS TEAMS. Teachers continue to post lessons, activities and resources to MS TEAMS for their senior classes. Obviously, some practical lessons are impacted. For junior classes, teachers are either posting their lessons or have uploaded a ‘pack’ of learning material to the TEAM for the Y9 / 10 student to work through during their absence.

As indicated last week, there is the potential that we may have to shift to a temporary and brief period of remote digital learning. At Phase 3 this would occur if, through teacher absence, we are unable to fully staff the school. At this time, the school would remain open, but most students would be learning remotely. If we do shift temporarily to a remote digital-learning model we anticipate operating the following timetable:

In this instance, the student timetable, Day 1 – Day 6, will continue. In this way, the boys maintain their regular timetabled classes and have more frequent interaction with their teachers and classmates. Period 5 will be dropped. The expectation is that the boys would continue to work through assigned tasks in the afternoon.

For your reference, the MS TEAMS Student Manual is available here.

COVID Readiness – Parent / caregiver contact information

More than ever having accurate and current contact details is critical for schools. We do expect to be contact tracing in the coming weeks.

We have been confirming contact details during tutor class. However, it is critical that you update the school with any changes to your mobile phone number, email or physical address. We must be able to contact you through the school day and after hours by phone. The email you provide to the school must be an account that you access daily.

Please notify any changes to Mrs J Gourdie


Thank you for your continued support in providing a suitable mask for your son. The boys have dealt with this requirement well. Indeed, they have done well dealing with all the expectations and restrictions.

We have an extremely limited supply of masks to pass onto students for one-off instances, like the loop on the mask breaks during class. To this end, please ensure that your son has a supply of masks for the week.

Y9 Ladder to Manhood

Part of the Y9 orientation the Ladder to Manhood programme begins Friday, 04 March. This involves all Y9s. Under Phase 3 we will run the programme onsite. The Y9s meet at the McGlashan Pavilion at 8:30 am.

Please ensure your Y9 son wears their PE gear and has a hat, preferably a school hat. They will need to bring a snack, lunch, water bottle and sunscreen.

Duke of Edinburgh

Any boys wanting to be involved with Duke of Edinburgh should go to the Sports Office to collect an information sheet.

More information about this fantastic and rewarding programme is available here:

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes will be communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed out via the School App.

What’s Due? NCEA Internal Assessments

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 5

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Mathematics AS1.7 Right Angled Triangles DOU, PIN, HRR, LEE, RYA, KET


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Mathematics AS2.4 Trigonometry HEU, MCD, LEE, HRR, GOU


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
DIT AS91901 Develop a design All classes
English AS3.5 Speech Presentation LOR

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 6

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Agriculture AS1.9 Plant Propagation CAV, NEW


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Science AS2.2 Ions in solution OCO
Chemistry AS2.2 Ions in solution OCO, SMI
Agriculture AS2.5 Livestock Reproduction NEW


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Japanese AS3.5 Writing in Japanese ARL
Geography AS3.6 Analyse a contemporary geographic issue MEA & JOH

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. Log-in details were emailed last week. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here:

Gisborne Boys’ – Cricket Exchange

Following their demolition of Lindisfarne College in the Gillette Cup Qualifier Final the 1st XI and Colts A are in Gisborne Monday, 28 February – Tuesday, 01 March for this traditional exchange.

Junior Secondary School Boys Cricket Nationals

Our Colts A return to compete for the national title. In 2021, representing Central Districts, they went all the way to the national finals finishing second in the overall standings. The teams 2022 campaign begins Thursday, 03 March with a fixture against St Johns College at Cornwall Park.

Sports Draws

You can find the sports draws here:

Junior T20 and Colts Cricket continue Week 5. Please refer to the sports draw link, below. Some Junior T20 teams will begin travelling this week, with some away fixtures.

Volleyball continues Wednesday, 02 March. Refer to the sports draw, link above.

Touch rugby will now run internally at school on Tuesdays. Games will be at lunchtime and after school. The start date will be confirmed shortly. This will be communicated in the Daily Notices.



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