Week Ahead: Week 5 Term 3 


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 5, Term 3 

Monday, 22– Sunday, 28 August 

Year 9 Enrolment, 2023 – Open Night 

Our information evening will be Tuesday, 23 August starting 6:30pm in the school Henderson Hall.   

Y8 students and their families wanting a personal tour can arrange this by contacting Mrs White, Headmaster’s PA, HeadmastersPA@nbhs.school.nz or ph. 8335913. 

We are anticipating significant enrolment at Y9 in 2023 and encourage in and out-of-zone families to enrol ASAP. We appreciate you sharing this information in the community.  

We appreciate your support to spread this information in the community.

Uniform Shop 

The uniform shop is now open in the new site in P Block. The entrance is adjacent to the visitor’s carpark, Chambers Street, near P3.  

The new shop is open on Tuesday, 3:00 – 4:30pm and Thursday 1:10 – 2:10pm. 

In the interim, as the shop is set-up, students can still place and pay for orders at the school office, with Mrs Bellamy. However, we are not accepting email orders. 

School Board Election 

You should have received your voting papers for the election, if not please email returning.nbhs@gmail.com 

The Board is responsible for setting policy and the governance of the school – this is your opportunity to help shape the culture and direction of the school by using your vote.   

Find out more about the Board and the candidates here https://www.nbhs.school.nz/about/nbhs-board/  

Once completed put it in the reply paid envelope, or drop in the voting box at the school office. 

Senior Subject Selection, 2023 

Course selection is now live for students going into Y10 – Y13 in 2023 

 The Course Guide, Careers Guidebook and link to selecting subjects through the Parent Portal can be accessed on the school website 

Bookings for Ms Laurs, Careers Advisor, can be made directly by students at the Careers Office, or ph. 8335900 ext. 220.  

Course selection for 2023 should be completed by Friday, 26 August. 

Author Visit 

Apirana Taylor (author) is running workshops for selected students Thursday 25 August.  

East Coast North Island Road Race 

The East Coast North Island Road Race is being held at Frimley Park Thursday 25 August. 

1st Team Results, Week 4 

Code  Opposition  Result 
 1st XI Hockey  THS 1st XI  Win 7-1 
 1st XI Football   HBHS 1st XI  Win 4-0 
Basketball Senior A White  St Johns  Win 98-66 (Grand Final) 
Basketball Senior A Blue 


HBHS Senior A  Loss 100-97 

Sports Draw 

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.  

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.  

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