Week Ahead: Week 5 Term 3 (14th August – 20th August)


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 5 Term 3

Monday 14th August – Sunday 20th August

 Open Night

Our information evening is Tuesday, 15 August starting 6:30pm.

Y8 students and their families wanting a personal tour can arrange this by contacting Mrs White, Headmaster’s PA, HeadmastersPA@nbhs.school.nz or ph. 8335913.

Parents and whānau can enrol directly by clicking here.

Y12 Art Expo

Our Y12 Art students join with schools across Napier to exhibit their work at Creative Arts Napier over the next two weeks. This is an awesome opportunity for our students. We have an amazing Art Department, and some very talented and creative students. The exhibition opens tonight at 5:00pm.

Senior Subject Selection, 2024

The Course Guide for students going into Y11 – Y13 in 2024 is now available here.

We encourage you to collectively make an ‘informed decision’ regarding the selection of subjects. Making an informed decision means talking to various parties, for example employers, tertiary institutions, teachers, deans and our Careers Adviser, Mr Te Rito

Bookings for Mr Te Rito can be made directly by students at the Careers Office, or TTe@nbhs.school.nz

Instructions how to input the subject selection via the KAMAR parent portal will now be emailed in Week 5.

Fieldtrips in Week 5

Level 3 Biology classes are out on Thursday 17 August visiting the National Aquarium, part of their Level 3 internal assessment.

Small groups of Y10 Agriculture students continue their fencing training at Pākōwhai, helping re-fence after the cyclone. This group is out Friday 18 August.

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 5

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard
Physical Education AS1.6 Demonstrate strategies to improve the performance of a physical activity and describe the outcomes
Physical Education AS1.3 Demonstrate quality movement in the performance of a physical activity
Woodwork US24355 Demonstrate knowledge of construction and manufacturing materials used in BCATS projects
Hospitality US15921 Prepare and cook a cake, a sponge and a batch of scones in the hospitality industry
English AS1.4 Produce Creative Writing
Sport & Recreation AS1.5 Demonstrate interpersonal skills in a group and explain how these skills impact on others


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard
Physical Education AS2.1 Examine the role and significance of physical activity in the lives of young people in New Zealand
Vocational English AS2.5 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text
Woodwork US12927 Demonstrate knowledge of, select, maintain, and use, hand tools for BCATS projects


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard
Vocational English AS3.5 Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas
English AS3.9 Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close reading, supported by evidence
History AS3.1 Research an historical event or place of significance to New Zealanders, using primary and secondary sources

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 6

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard
Combined Materials US25919 Use hardware and fastenings for a BCATS project
Mathematics AS1.13 Investigate a situation involving elements of chance
Japanese AS1.5 Write a variety of text types in Japanese on areas of most immediate relevance
Vocational English US1978 Describe basic employment rights and responsibilities, and sources of information and/or assistance


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard
Art AS2.3 Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard
Mathematics with Statistics AS3.8 Investigate Time Series Data

 KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/ or via the School Bridge app.

Week Ahead Sport

1st XI Hockey – Hawke’s Bay Division 1 Final

The 1st XI takes on Hastings Boys’ High School in the final for the local Division 1 competition.

If your family are looking for some fantastic entertainment get along, wearing something blue, and support the school and 1sts.

The game is at Park Island on Wednesday, 16 August. The start time is currently not available.

Gisborne Boys’ High School Junior Exchange

We have six Junior teams travelling to Gisborne Boys’ High School on Wednesday 16 – Thursday 17 August. The exchange involves: Colts Football, Colts Hockey, Junior A & B Basketball, U14 & U15 Rugby.

National 1st XV Rugby Championship – Hurricanes Region

The 1st XV host one of the semi-finals for the Hurricanes region, National 1st XV Championship, on Saturday 19 August. This is on the back of retaining the Polson Banner and making the final of the top secondary school rugby competition, Super 8 Schools. We host the winner of this weekend’s fixture Hastings’ Boys v Palmerston North Boys’.

Get along and support the school and 1st XV Saturday, 19 August. Kick-off is at 12:00pm.

1st Team Results, Week 4

Code Opposition Result
1st XI Hockey  Lindisfarne College Win 2-0
1st XI Football Havelock North High School Win 9-1

1st Team Fixtures, Week 5

Code Date and time Location
1st XI Hockey v Hastings Boys’ High School Wednesday 16 August, TBC time Park Island
Basketball Senior A White v TBC
Basketball Senior A Blue v TBC
1st XI Football v Lindisfarne Tuesday 12th August, 2.45pm NBHS #1
1st XV Rugby v TBC Saturday 19th August, 12pm Napier Boys’ High School

Sports Draw

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.

The NBHS Parents’ Association is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to meet, creating a wider NBHS community.

The Association organises events to support our school community and supports school events.

The Association is self-funded, those involved can contribute as much or as little as they wish.

If you would like to be involved, please email scook@nbhs.school.nz

If you son has grown out of his current uniform, or, if he if has left the school, the Uniform Shop can sell NBHS uniform on your behalf, for a modest fee, or you can donate his NBHS uniform to the school.  All proceeds go back to the Parents Association. These donations support the NBHS Community and fund school events.

If you have used current uniform to sell, please bring this into the school office.

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