Week Ahead: Week 6
Monday 08 – Friday 12 March
With the good news that we will be at COVID Alert Level 1 from Sunday, the following events are secure:
Athletics Day
Athletics Day will be on Monday, 08 March. Your son needs to bring his PE gear, or house colours, lunch, a drink bottle, hat and sunscreen. They should come to / from school in uniform.
Day Boy Goal Setting Conference
Day Boy Goal Setting Conferences will run on Thursday, 11 March. This involves a three-way conference with the tutor teacher, student and parent/caregiver. All students are expected to attend with a parent/caregiver. Each conference is allocated a 15-minute time slot.
Year 9 students: the focus is on how their year has started and to address any questions.
Year 10 – 13 students: the focus is goal setting. Boys thrive on having targets and goals to work toward. We see this process as a vital part in your son achieving all he can in 2021, and ensuring that we collectively work toward this. The meeting will focus on what they achieved in 2020, goals for 2021 and the steps they need to take to successfully achieve these goals.
Bookings: can be made online. Click on this link to make a booking: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code?code=wuf38 Otherwise go to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz select ‘make a booking’ and enter the code: wuf38. Alternatively, you can phone the school office – 06 833 5900 – or email your son’s tutor teacher to make a booking.
Students are to attend in uniform.
Scinde House Goal Setting Conference 
Scinde House Goal Setting Conferences will run on Friday, 12 March. This involves a three-way conference with the tutor teacher, student and parent/caregiver.
Year 9 students: Year 9 boarders will come out of class Period 3. As a group they will have lunch with their tutor class, tutor and parents / caregivers. This lunch will be at 12.30pm. Following the lunch, students whose parents/caregivers attend will be free to leave with their family. Other Year 9 boarders will return to school for Period 5, as per normal.
Year 10 – 13 students: the focus is goal setting. Boys thrive on having targets and goals to work toward. We see this process as a vital part in your son achieving all he can in 2021, and ensuring that we collectively work toward this. The meeting will focus on what they achieved in 2020, goals for 2021 and the steps they need to take to successfully achieve these goals. Each conference is allocated a 10-minute time slot. Students will be in regular classes Periods 1 – 4. Students whose parents/caregivers attend will be free to leave with their family after their conference. Other Year 10 – 13 boarders will attend Period 5, as per normal.
Bookings: can be made online. Click on this link to make a booking: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code?code=zpuek Otherwise go to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz select ‘make a booking’ and enter the code: zpuek. Alternatively, you can phone the school office – 06 833 5900 – or email your son’s tutor teacher to make a booking.
Students are to attend in uniform.
Camp and field trips
All field trips and the Y10 Camp will proceed as planned.
Y10 Camp #1– Monday 08 – Friday 12 March
L1 Geography fieldtrip – Tuesday 09 March
L3 Geography fieldtrip – Wednesday, 10 March
The teachers responsible for these activities are:
Y10 Camp – Mr. T Wyatt TWyatt@nbhs.school.nz
Geography – Mr. A Johnson AJohnson@nbhs.school.nz
Sports draws are posted on the school website and school app. Sports draws are updated as we receive them. You can find the sports draws here: https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/
Y9 Sports Registrations were distributed to all Y9s last week. Payment and documents need to be returned by Friday 12 March to the Sports Coordinator.