Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 1 (Monday 10th March – Sunday 16th March)


Goal-Setting Conferences

Tutor / Whānau / Student Goal-Setting Conferences are Thursday 13 & Friday 14 March. All students are expected to attend with a parent / caregiver.

An email was sent yesterday containing information related to the conferences, including the focus and booking process. If you are unable to make a booking via School Bridge, please phone the school office, 06 833 5900 or email your son’s tutor teacher to make a booking on your behalf.

Regular timetabled classes do not run during the conferences. Your son is expected at school for his conference, only.

Monday, 17 March will be Day 4 on the school timetable.

Malaysia Hockey Trip Quiz Night

If you love a good quiz, then mark your calendar for Friday 28 March, and pull together your best quiz mates. 18 students are heading off to Malaysia next month for two weeks of intensive hockey development. The quiz is the last fundraiser to help cover some of the on-the-ground costs.  This is a wonderful development opportunity for our young men, and they have all been training hard to prepare.

Spaces are limited, so to secure your table please CLICK HERE for entry form.

School Policy Review

Napier Boys’ High Schools policy documents are stored on schooldocs.co.nz To view our policies:

  • go to schooldocs.co.nz
  • search for Napier Boys’ High School.
  • enter your community username and password.
    • username nbhs
    • password dorightfearnothing

NCEA Authenticity Forms

Senior students and Y10 Accelerates have been emailed a link to their NCEA Authenticity form. This is sent to their school email account. Please check that your son has completed this form.

All students undertaking NZQA Standards in 2025 must complete this form.

What’s Due

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 7

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard
Physical Education AS2.4 Perform a physical activity in an applied setting
Mathematics (201) AS2.4 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems
Agriculture AS2.5 Demonstrate understanding of livestock reproductive techniques in commercial production in New Zealand


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard
Calculus AS3.3 Apply trigonometric methods in solving problems
Mathematics AS3.3 Apply trigonometric methods in solving problems


Y13s that are considering studying at a university in 2026 are invited to attend the related university presentations.

10 March Waikato University 1.55pm Library
18 Marc Canterbury University 1.10pm Library
24 March Massey University 1.10pm Library
12 May Otago University 1.10pm Library

If your son is in Y13 they are encouraged to make an appointment with the Career Department. The Careers Department can provide support and guidance related to tertiary study, apprenticeships and employment opportunities. They can also assist with CV writing. To make an appointment your son should contact Mrs Kettle lkettle@nbhs.school.nz

L2 Geography Tongariro Crossing

The Y12 Geography classes visit the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, Monday 10 – Wednesday 12, March.

Dairy Future Day Out

A group of Year 10 Agriculture students will attend the Dairy Future Day Out in Sherwood on Wednesday, 12 March. The event showcases career opportunities across dairy farming and the wider agricultural sector.

L2 Classics Fieldtrip

In preparation for an upcoming internal, Level 2 Classics students have a guided walk through the centre of Napier on Monday 17 March. Supported by the Art Deco Trust, the walk is a great opportunity for the students to see how elements of the classical world are still influencing designs of our architecture today.


Wellington College Exchange (Away)

9-11 March: 1st XI Cricket

9-10 March: Colts Cricket, Volleyball, Golf, Tennis

Winter Sports Registrations – open from Friday 7th March, closes on Monday 17th March 

Please CLICK HERE to view the information and for the registration link

If you and your son are unable to complete the form online, please see the sports coordinator in A7 to collect a paper form

All Rugby players MUST weigh in for Rugby with HBRU here at school in A7 at LUNCHTIME, dates here:

    • Monday 10th March- Year 9s
    • Tuesday 11th March- Year 10&11
    • Wednesday 12th March- Year 12&13
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