Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 2


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 7, Term 2

Monday 13 – Sunday, 19 June

Kia ora,


Last weekend we had the privilege of hosting and celebrating our school’s I50th Jubilee.  It is a significant milestone for a school in a country that still has a young history. Since 1872 Napier Boys’ has been motivating both staff and students to aspire to the highest possible standards in achievement. NBHS has a very proud history and a clear and unequivocal vision: to prepare young men to take their place in the world. To do right and fear nothing, Me tika, Te Mahi, Kia Mataara, Justum perficito nihil timeto.

Looking at the men that have left this institution to lead very successful lives, NBHS can safely say we have certainly worked hard to craft fine young men.  Although, having had the opportunity to meet many of our old boys, they would be better described as distinguished and refined, rather than young.  We took time to acknowledge the many renowned and more well-known Old Boys from this school. Equally, we also recognise, that overwhelmingly the boys who leave this school, leave as good men.  Confident, well-grounded men of integrity with a strong sense of identity, values, and character.

The educational, political, and social landscape has changed vastly over 150 years. Boys’ schools are not the same. For NBHS, well-being, relationships, equity and whakawhanaungatanga are equally important as academic achievement.  It is worth adding that great schools are not judged on academic criteria alone.  Great schools also provide a sense of community, manakitanga, and support, so that ultimately students not only succeed in their chosen careers, but also make friends and develop as a whole person along the way. Great schools serve the community, involve manu whenua, listen, learn and evolve.

I would like to acknowledge the major sponsor for the 150th. HB Construction, Willis Legal, Fujifilm, Trio, Ka Tahi wines, Kukiri and G & M Distributors. Without their support we would not have been able to put on such a quality event. Equally, the Jubilee would not have been a success without the hardworking, capable committee of Jayne White, Louisa Gannaway and Kevin Callinicos. Thank you to their partners Graham, Matt, Claire and Margaret for their patience and understanding. To our staff, many of whom spent hours volunteering their time and who also sacrificed their long holiday weekend to work behind the scenes – thank you.  Additionally, to our current students who worked to serve, and gave of their time willingly, they impressed our old boys with their manners, friendliness and goodwill.

We were also blessed to have two previous Headmasters attend the Jubilee, Mr Bruce Davie (February 1977 – September 1993) and Mr Ross Brown (October 1997 – January 2016).  They certainly enjoyed seeing how the school has progressed and meeting up with past students and staff.

There are several exciting developments on the drawing board for the school. We are close to completing Stage 3, the final stage, of the new Armour Block.  A project started by former Headmaster Mr Ross Brown.  We have just finished a refurbishment of the Library and are currently redeveloping the new canteen and uniform shop in the Polson Block. We are about to begin a $6 million water tightening project to remediate leaky buildings.  A common issue with school architecture in the 90s.  With this, we will repaint the school with a palate of blue and sky blue.  Finally, we are pushing the Ministry for funds to continue to develop our school site so that our boys and the community can have access to the very best learning and sport facilities for our students.

Our achievements to date are well recognised by our community and the government, and we are in great shape to tackle the next 150 years. We are very proud of our place, of our students and of who we are as a school and as a community.  Our success is your success.

Ngā Mihi,

Jarred Williams


Winter Wellness

We have received advice from the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board that there are increasing numbers of COVID-19, influenza and other viruses circulating in our community.

This is being reflected via absenteeism at school. We have a high level of students affected by the flu.

Some schools have gone back to rostering and reduced contact hours. We do not want to move to this. We are committed, as best we can, to maintaining our regular structure and routines. We know this is best for our boys. This commitment is reliant on staff wellness. We need your help to reduce the level of transmission onsite.

To assist us to reduce transmission of viruses we ask that you support us with these messages:

  1. Stay home if unwell as winter viruses are very infectious. Please only allow your son to return to school when symptoms have improved. Wearing a mask to school when they return is strongly recommended.
  2. Test for COVID-19 using a RAT. If your son tests positive, upload their results to the My Covid Record and follow the Ministry of Health’s advice. Please also continue to let us know at school attendance@nbhs.school.nz or ph. 06 8335901.
  3. Wearing masks at school. With the heightened spread of flu, we are encouraging the wearing masks in all indoor settings onsite, for staff and students. This is not compulsory, but good practice.
  4. Hand hygiene and cough ‘etiquette’ are strongly encouraged. Our boys are learning. Coupled with mask-wearing indoors, this will help to reduce the spread of illness to others. Please encourage your son to wash her hands regularly and use hand sanitiser throughout the day.

MyMahi App

Hopefully, your son has shown you the MyMahi app. We have been using this during tutor class through Term 2.

MyMahi is a dashboard where learners log-in to check their credits, timetable and daily student notices. Alongside information related to wellbeing and pathways. The app includes a section where students have entered their learning goals. They are expected to revisit and review these through the year.

If your son does not have MyMahi installed, he should! Refer below for instructions:

Students log in by searching “Mymahi” on their devices and log in with Microsoft using their school email and password.

Scinde House Hostel – Weekend Chef Vacancy

A position has become available in Scinde House Hostel for a Weekend Cook/Chef. For more information please email Head of Scinde House, Mr Ash Johnson ajohnson@nbhs.school.nz

Upcoming Events – stay informed

Please keep a close eye on this school newsletter, the ‘Week Ahead’, each Friday where any changes are communicated. Also, you can check the school calendar

Urgent updates will be pushed-out via the School App.

Parent / Teacher Interviews – Advance Notice

Parent/teacher interviews are in Week 10.

Dayboy interviews are 2:30 – 8:30pm on Tuesday, 05 July.

Hostel interviews are 1:00 – 3:30pm on Friday, 08 July.

On both days school will finish at 12:15pm.

Booking information will be sent out in the coming weeks.

Goal-Setting Update

Tutor teachers will begin contacting senior students’ parents/caregivers to update them on their son’s progress toward the goals that they collectively set in Term One. Following junior exams, tutors will move onto Y9 & 10 students. Contact may be by phone or email.

Junior Assessment Week

As indicated last week, we have modified what would have been Term 2 Junior Examinations

We will now run one-hour assessments for Y9 and Y10 students Tuesday 14 – Friday 17 June. The schedule is below. Assessments will run for one hour in each subject. On the back of a period of absence and disruption for some learners we felt this was best for the school, especially the junior students.

Results will be available for parents / whānau via the Kamar Parent Portal.

Tuesday, 14 June Period 1 Period 2
Year 9
Year 10 Mathematics English


Wednesday, 15 June Period 1 Period 2
Year 9 English Mathematics
Year 10 Social Studies Science


Thursday, 16 June Period 1 Period 2
Year 9 Science Social Studies
Year 10 Option 6

(Day 2, period 1 class)


Friday, 17 June Period 1 Period 2
Year 9
Year 10 Option 5

(Day 1, period 5 class)


L1 Agriculture Trip

The L1 Agriculture classes are out Friday, 17 June visiting Whenuapapa Angus, an Angus beef stud. The group learn more about genetics and what to look for in breed selection. They then move onto Kereru Station. Here they observe and learn about irrigation, crop, livestock and soil management, and get involved in a bit of friendly competition.

This fieldtrip was delayed due to staff illness.

We are very fortunate that our Ag’ boys can get out into the ‘field’ again.

We must acknowledge the support of the farms and stations across the wider Hawke’s Bay and the willingness of Mr Newman to engage with all stakeholders, enabling our boys to have a breadth of practical experiences and opportunities. This genuinely benefits them as they transition onto cadetships, study and employment.

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 7

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Vocational English US26625 Actively participate in spoken interactions TAR, BUN


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Art (Sculpture) AS2.2 & 2.3 Use drawing conventions and clarify ideas in Sculpture HAR
Physics AS2.5 Nuclear Physics ASH, FER, WIL
DIT AS91891 Conventions COO, STA
DIT AS91893 Make a website COO, STA
DIT AS91890 Inquiry COO, STA


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Agriculture AS3.2 Can you make money from Primary Production? NEW
Hospitality US13315 Rice & farinaceous grains FIN

 NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 8

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Biology AS2.3 Demonstrate an understanding of adaptation of plants or animals to their way of life HAD, SYE
Chemistry AS2.1 Carry out a practical investigation using quantitative analysis OCO, SMI
Art Painting AS2.2 & 2.3 Use drawing conventions and clarify ideas in painting HAR
Earth & Space Science AS2.2 Examine an Earth and Space Science issue and the validity of the information communicated to the public WEA


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard Classes involved
Biology AS3.1 Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with guidance HAD
Hospitality US17288 Espresso Machines FIN
History (NZ) AS3.1 Research an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders CAM

 KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/

1st Team Results, Week 6

Code Opposition Result

1st XI Hockey

Lindisfarne College Win 5-2

1st XI Football

No Game
Super 8 1st XV Rugby PNBHS (Polson Banner) Win 22-18
Super 8 2nd XV Rugby PNBHS Win 22-7
Basketball Senior A Blue HBHS Senior A Loss 112-78
Basketball Senior A White Lindisfarne Senior A Win 132-51

1st Team Fixtures, Week 7

Code Date and time Location
1st XI Hockey v Taradale HS  Wednesday 15 June, 4:15pm Park Island
Basketball Senior A White v St Johns College Wednesday 15 June, 7:00pm PGA
Basketball Senior A Blue v St Johns College Wednesday 15 June, 7:40pm  PGA
1st XI Football v St Johns College Friday 17 June, 6:00pm Marist
Super 8 1st XV Rugby v HBHS Saturday 19 June, 12:00pm Hastings BHS
Super 8 2nd XV Rugby v HBHS Saturday 19 June, 10.30am Hastings

Sports Draw

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.

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