Week Ahead: Week 8 Term 3 (4th September -10th September)


Napier Boys High School Week Ahead

Week Ahead: Week 8 Term 3

Monday 4th September – Sunday 10th September

Mid-Term Break

On the back of Winter Tournament week, mid-term break is Monday 04 September.

Tuesday 05 September will be Day 2 on the school calendar.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

With seniors on exam leave in Week 9, we are bringing our acknowledgement of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori forward to Week 8. Schoolwide activities include our awesome Kapa Haka roopu performing at assembly on Tuesday. On Thursday we see the re-introduction of the school inter-house haka


Hostel applications for university halls of residence are now open. Please check the individual university websites for closing dates.

University course planning: if your son has applied to study at a university in 2024, they must attend the related course planning session. These are all running onsite in room A7, as per:

Waikato University: 1:10pm, 07 September

Masey University: 12:15pm, 08 September

Otago University: 1:00pm, 11 September

Victoria University: 8:30am, 13 September

School Bus Bay

A reminder that the bus bay on the Chambers Street side of school is for buses, only. Passenger vehicles using this as a turning bay, or stopping in the area, are causing congestion / challenges for the bus drivers.

Please respect this space as being reserved for the bus service.

Junior School Social

Napier Girls’ High School host the next junior social on Thursday, 07 September starting at 7:00pm in the NGHS gym. The theme is ‘Ken & Barbie’. This is for Y9-10 students. Tickets are on sale at school on Tuesday and Wednesday in the quad’, $10 entry.

Senior Subject Selection, 2024

2024 course selection for our current Y10 – Y12 students is still open. If you have not done so already, please complete your son’s subject selection through the KAMAR Parent Portal

Information about subject selection, including our Course Guidebook, is available here.

School Benchmark Senior Examinations

The school benchmark senior examinations will run Thursday 14 – Friday, 22 September. This is Week 9 & 10, Term 3.

Through this period, students in Years 11, 12 and 13 who have study leave attend school for their examinations, only. Some students may not be granted study leave. For example, student requiring additional support for numeracy and literacy. Students in 10AH and 10AG should have received a letter from Mr Smith, Deputy Headmaster.

If a student is unable to complete their external NCEA examination/s, and requires a derived grade, we do use their result(s) from the school benchmark examination. So, it is critical that they prepare well for the school examinations.

Morning examinations start at 8:40am. Afternoon examinations start at 1:10pm. The exams are run in C Block. Students must arrive at C Block 10 minutes before the start of their exam.

Date/time Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Thurs 14 Sept AM L1ENA L2ESS L3STA
Thurs 14 Sept PM L1VOE L2PHY L3PHY
Fri 15 Sept AM L1SCI L2MAO L3HIS
Fri 15 Sept PM L1AGR L2CLA L3GEO
Mon 18 Sept AM L1ACC L2ENG L3CLA
Mon 18 Sept PM L1MAO L2AGR L3CAL
Tues 19 Sept AM L1MAT L2MUS L3BIO
Tues 19 Sept PM L1FNU L2BIO L3ESS
Wed 20 Sept AM L1ECO L2ECO L3ECO
Wed 20 Sept PM L2MA6 L2MA1 NIL
Thurs 21 Sept AM L1GEO NIL L3ENG
Thurs 21 Sept PM L1JAP L2HIS L3CHE
Fri 22 Sept AM L1HIS L2CHE L3ACC
Fri 22 Sept PM NIL L2GEO L3AGR

Fieldtrips in Week 8

The Y13 Agriculture class is offsite Tuesday 5 & Wednesday 6 September. They are visiting two iconic farms. The group spend time at Rangitaiki Station, the home of New Zealand’s largest deer herd. They are then at Waikato Stud, New Zealand’s most successful contemporary thoroughbred nursery, as the breeding season commences.

Small groups of Y10 Agriculture students continue their fencing training at Pākōwhai, helping re-fence after the cyclone. This group is out Friday 08 September.

NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 8

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard
Food & Nutrition AS1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs
History AS1.2 Demonstrate understanding of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard
Chemistry AS2.7 Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction
Geography AS2.6 Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue
Agriculture AS2.10 Report on the environmental impact of the production of a locally produced primary product
Forestry US22997 Demonstrate knowledge of principles of commercial forestry


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard

 NCEA Internal Assessments due in Week 9

NCEA Level 1
Subject Achievement Standard
Combined Materials US25920 Use joints for a BCATS project
Vocational English US10792 Write formal personal correspondence
Mathematics (102) AS1.1 Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems
English AS1.6 Construct and deliver an oral text


NCEA Level 2
Subject Achievement Standard
Mathematics (202) AS2.5 Apply network methods in solving problems
Science AS2.8 Investigate biological material at the microscopic level
Vocational English US12349 Demonstrate knowledge of time management


NCEA Level 3
Subject Achievement Standard

KAMAR Parent Portal

Parents / caregivers can access results and school reports through the KAMAR Parent Portal. If you have difficulty accessing the portal, please contact Mrs J Gourdie jgourdie@nbhs.school.nz

You can access the KAMAR parent portal here: https://kamar.nbhs.school.nz/ or via the School Bridge app.

Week Ahead Sport

Winter Tournament Week Results

Click link HERE, please note these will be updated as more results come in

Sports Draw

Sports Draws are updated here – https://www.nbhs.school.nz/students/sport-draws/ and on the sports noticeboard, outside the Administration Block.

Please ensure your son stays up-to-date with the daily notices, and related team updates. These are read in class and available daily via the MyMahi app.

The NBHS Parents’ Association is an opportunity for parents and caregivers to meet, creating a wider NBHS community.

The Association organises events to support our school community and supports school events.

The Association is self-funded, those involved can contribute as much or as little as they wish.

If you would like to be involved, please email scook@nbhs.school.nz

If you son has grown out of his current uniform, or, if he if has left the school, the Uniform Shop can sell NBHS uniform on your behalf, for a modest fee, or you can donate his NBHS uniform to the school.  All proceeds go back to the Parents Association. These donations support the NBHS Community and fund school events.

If you have used current uniform to sell, please bring this into the school office.

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