Week Ahead: Week 9 Term 3 


Napier Boys High School Week AheadWeek Ahead: Week 9, Term 3 

Monday, 19 – Sunday, 25 September 

We celebrated Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Maori language week, which reminds us that te reo is one of Aotearoa’s official languages. Every year since 1975, New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week. This is a time for all New Zealanders to celebrate te reo Māori and to use more Māori phrases in everyday life. At Napier Boys’ High School, we recognise te reo Māori as a taonga and understand, as an educational institution, the role we must play to ensure this taonga is acknowledged and strengthened. 

On Sunday, I had the great privilege of watching a magnificent game of rugby play out on a field of dreams. The game would be the last for several players who ran onto that field, and what a last match, a national championship final. 

The images of the battle that unfolded, the atmosphere, the tension, the drama, and the emotion remain in my mind. Here was our school, Napier Boys’ High, delivering a performance, on a national stage, with passion and purpose. Fearless – me tika, te mahi, kia mataara. Their efforts epitomised the values we aspire to, courage, tenacity, unity, brotherhood, and a willingness to support and work for each other. 

Unfortunately, the end result did not go our way. We all know that lessons are learnt from failure and defeat. I have discussed in past assemblies that losing can strengthen our resilience and  reinforce our resolve. It is often said, without risk, there is no reward. The potential thrill of being victorious comes with the possibility of meeting victory’s nemesis, defeat. Defeat can be a bitter pill to swallow, but after the game, there was a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction as we knew this team had played their very best, and some would even say, deserved the victory. It took great fortitude, preparation, effort, and sacrifice to even get to the final, let alone compete at such a high level. The 1st XV’s achievement is an example for all of us. I want to thank the coaching staff, Mr Ratcliff, Mr Lynch, Mr Russell, Mr Barham and Mr Tutchen for their mentorship, work and dedication. Without their mahi, this team would not have been such a success. 

Napier Boys’ High School is very proud of their performance and the quality of character on display. Regardless of the result, these men have brought us great pride, inspiring us by their formidability and honouring us through their conduct. Facing heartbreak, these young men accepted defeat with dignity, humility and grace. I thank them for their strength of character and for upholding our mana. Coming second in the country is a fantastic achievement. Well done. We congratulate them on their outstanding effort. 

I was also fortunate enough to watch a number of our teams compete during Tournament Week. Like our rugby team, I witnessed the same strength of character, determination and motivation to succeed. Our results show that we can compete nationally in a variety of sports. Of note, congratulations to Hockey for requalifying for the Rankin Cup in 2023, Junior Football for coming third in the North Island Championship, and Junior Basketball for finishing second in the North Island Championship. These results show we are well placed for the future. 

Finally, our seniors move into benchmark exams last week of the term. These examinations are very important as they provide an opportunity for students to sit practice assessments under test conditions in preparation for externals. They also provide valuable information for feedback to help determine readiness. Furthermore, results from these exams can be used to generate derived grades if students, for some reason, cannot sit the end-of-year externals. We encourage all boys to prepare well and to take every opportunity to make them count. Students who are working on practical assessment are invited, where necessary, to work in school during study week to ensure assessment deadlines are met. 

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini – Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.

Me tika te mahi, kia mataara

Do right and fear nothing

Justum perficito nihil timeto

Thank you 

Jarred Williams 



Important Dates 

School will be closed for Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day on Monday 26th September  

Benchmark exams that were due to be held on Monday 26th September, will now be this Friday, 23rd September

Term 3 ends on Friday 30th September, Term 4 begins on Monday 17th October

Covid-19 Rule Updates 

Following the Government’s announcement removing the Covid-19 protection framework, the two key changes impacting education providers are: 

  • The removal of the requirement for household contacts to isolate. Instead, they will be asked to test for COVID-19 for five days.  
  • Masks are no longer required on public transport or school transport and in line with other mask changes, they are no longer strongly recommended in school settings. 

Positive cases remain legally required to isolate for seven days. Anyone who is symptomatic, including household contacts, should stay at home and get tested for Covid-19. 

School Board 

Congratulations to the newly elected parent representatives of the NBHS Board: Brad Tatere, James Mear, Campbell Furlong, Maree Maclachlan, and Stefan Freudenberg.

School Uniform 

The uniform shop is open on Tuesdays after school (3-4.30pm) and Thursday student lunch break (1.10-2.10pm).  All students should be in the correct summer uniform tops for term 4.  Please buy uniform during shop opening hours.  Depositing money into school accounts is an easy way for payment to be made.  Sizing can be based on current uniform so students do not have to try-on shirts in the shop.  The shop will not open during the school holidays. 

Become a host family – share Napier Boys’ High School with the world 

We are seeking host families for our January intake. The boys’ are between year 10 and year 12 and will be staying between one and four terms.  Our new intake will be arriving from Germany, Thailand and Hong Kong in late January 2023. 

Host parents can come from many different walks of life – married, single, retired, with children or no children – there is no typical host family, just that they all share an interest in meeting people from new cultures. 

For 2023 you will be remunerated at $265/week. 

If you’re looking to enrich the life of your family through new friendships, and cultural experiences, consider becoming a host parent. 

Please contact Mrs. Sarah Cook, International Manager, Napier Boys’ High School for further information. 

scook@nbhs.school.nz or 06 833 5900 ext 236 


Benchmark Exams 

Benchmark exams that were due to be held on Monday 26th September, will now be this Friday, 23rd September – these are: 

Level 1 Science 

Year 10 Accelerate Science 

Level 1 Economics 

Level 2 Chemistry 

Level 2 History 

Level 3 Geography 

Level 3 English 

Benchmark exams continue on Tuesday 27th September

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